I have an array with words below as an example.
$words = array('hello','world','wad','up','yo','etc');
What I want is next array with following by manipulating above
$phrase2 = array('hello world', 'world wad', 'wad up', 'up yo', 'yo etc');
$phrase3 = array('hello world wad', 'world wad up', 'wad up yo', 'up yo etc');
$phrase4 = array('hello world wad up', 'world wad up yo', 'wad up yo etc');
$phrase5 = array('hello world wad up yo', 'world wad up yo etc');
Slice array and then implode the results:
$words = array('hello','world','wad','up','yo','etc');
$phrase2 = array();
$phrase3 = array();
$phrase4 = array();
$lim = sizeof($words);
if($i < $lim - 1)
$phrase2[] = implode(" ",array_slice($words,$i,2));
if($i < $lim - 2)
$phrase3[] = implode(" ",array_slice($words,$i,3));
if($i < $lim - 3)
$phrase4[] = implode(" ",array_slice($words,$i,4));