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collapse strings in a vector three times for an or statement in r

I have a vector with multiple strings

strings <- c("CD4","CD8A")

and I'd like to output an OR statement to be passed to grep like so


and so on for each element in the vector..

basically I'm trying to find an exact word in a string that has three dashes in it, (I don't want grep(CD4, ..) to return strings with CD40). This is how I thought of doing it but I'm open to other suggestions

part of my data.frame looks like this:

Genes <-"CD4-MyD88-IL27RA", "IL2RG-CD4-GHR","MyD88-CD8B-EPOR", "CD8A-IL3RA-CSF3R", "ICOS-CD40-LMP1"))
colnames(Genes) <- "Genes"


  • Here is a one-liner...

    [1] "CD4-MyD88-IL27RA" "IL2RG-CD4-GHR"    "CD8A-IL3RA-CSF3R"

    It uses word-boundary markers \\b to make sure that it matches complete substrings (as the - does not count as part of a word).