I have to transform the following code:
labels = 'x'
dataX <- data.frame(x = colors())
special <- sample(colors(),5)
dataX <- dataX %>% mutate("names2" := dplyr::case_when(UQ(sym(labels)) %in% special ~ UQ(sym(labels))))
Into some code which will work without :=
since this gives me a NOTE when running a package check.
Therefore I am trying to use mutate_at instead but can't combine it with case_when:
dataX <- dataX %>% mutate_at(c("names3" = labels) , funs(dplyr::case_when(.) %in% special ~ .))
which fails with:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Column `names3` is of unsupported type quoted call
Therefore, my question.
So far the best I came up with is:
testx <- function(x, special){tmp <- x %in% special; x[!tmp] <- NA; as.character(x)}
dataX <- dataX %>% mutate_at(c("names4" = labels) , funs(testx(., special)))
This looks like a syntax error to me. Just put the brackets in the right place:
dataX %>%
mutate_at(c("names3" = labels),
funs(dplyr::case_when(. %in% special ~ .))) %>%
#> x names2 names3
#> 1 grey41 grey41 grey41
#> 2 grey72 grey72 grey72
#> 3 grey89 grey89 grey89
#> 4 mistyrose4 mistyrose4 mistyrose4
#> 5 steelblue2 steelblue2 steelblue2