Apparently google now require you to give them billing details for using there google maps on your web site. If I understand it correctly you get $200 free allowance and after that they start charging you.
Is there a way to say to google, don’t charge me after the free $200 and just stop displaying the map?
There is no way to do that.
The only 2 things available now is to:
Based on your monthly usage, calculate approximately your daily usage (per API) and set daily limits. You can do so by going to the API Console, select an API, navigate to the Quotas tab, and edit the daily or per-second quotas. You can use this Calculator.
Set billing budgets and alarms. To control your spend, you can set billing budgets and alarms so that you are notified when your usage reaches a given budget. Here’s how.
Be noticed that these alarms are only "an alarm based on a budget", they won't stop the usage from your project.