I'm new to Python and need a little advice on one of my project from the experts.
I have a xml file that i need to parse and then sort . Below is the example of the xml file
<Product_Key Name="Visio Professional 2002" KeyRetrievalNote="">
<Key ID=“XXX” Type="Static Activation Key">12345-67890</Key>
<Product_Key Name="Visio Professional 2008" KeyRetrievalNote="">
<Key ID=“XXX” Type="Static Activation Key">23456-78901</Key>
<Product_Key Name="Visio Professional 2012" KeyRetrievalNote="">
<Key ID=“XXX” Type="Static Activation Key">34567-89012</Key>
<Product_Key Name="Visio Professional 2016” KeyRetrievalNote="">
<Key ID=“XXX” Type="Static Activation Key">45678-90123</Key>
Below is the output that i'm trying to achieve
Visio Professional 2002: 12345-67890
Visio Professional 2008: 23456-78901
Visio Professional 2012: 34567-89012
Visio Professional 2016: 45678-90123
I'm trying to get the name of the product and in front of it the corresponding product key.
I can get the output like below however that is not what I'm looking for.
Visio Professional 2002
Visio Professional 2008
Visio Professional 2012
Visio Professional 2016
The snip of the code that i used is below .
import xml.dom.minidom
def main():
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse("keysexport.xml")
names = doc.getElementsByTagName("Product_Key")
keys = doc.getElementsByTagName("Key")
for name in names:
for key in keys:
if __name__ == "__main__":
You have done most of the work by yourself. Congratulations.
There are many ways to achieve your final goal, one of them is the following: Now that you obtained the names
and keys
list, you can combine them to construct a dictionary, and then iterate over the dictionary to get the suitable output you are looking for.
So your program could look like this:
import xml.dom.minidom
def main():
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse("keysexport.xml")
names = doc.getElementsByTagName("Product_Key")
keys = doc.getElementsByTagName("Key")
#Use the previous lists to create a dictionary
products = dict(zip(names, keys))
#Loop over the dictionary of products and display the couple key: value
for product_key, product_value in products.items():
print('{}: {}'.format(product_key.getAttribute('Name'), product_value.firstChild.nodeValue))
if __name__ == "__main__":
>>> names = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Product_Key")
>>> keys = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Key")
>>> products = dict(zip(names, keys))
>>> for product_key, product_value in products.items():
... print('{}: {}'.format(product_key.getAttribute('Name'), product_value.firstChild.nodeValue))
Visio Professional 2002: 12345-67890
Visio Professional 2008: 23456-78901
Visio Professional 2012: 34567-89012
Visio Professional 2016: 45678-90123