I am trying to configure a git server on an Ubuntu Server 10.10 with gitolite and following the tutorial On Ubuntu for Gitolite.
I first create a user git with the following command : sudo adduser git
I set a password to this user.
Then, I generate a rsa key with the command : ssh-keygen
, I call it id_rsa_git
After that, I want to associate it to the user git with the following command :
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_git.pub git@localhost
The prompt asks me the password for the user git, and after giving it (the good one), I get the following error :
Permission denied, please try again.
I cannot go further since I am pretty noob in Linux administration. Can anybody help me ?
Simply try to copy your key:
sudo cp .ssh/id_rsa_git.pub ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys
If doesn't work, open an other console:
sudo su - git
mkdir .ssh
You can close this console.
sudo chown git:git ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod 600 ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys
And now all will be good (no need of ssh-copy-id)