I run pyomo
with cplex
for a while now. I code in Jupyter. Today I pip installed 'nteract', an extension for Jupyter. Since then I have this problem: My pyomo
models don't get solved anymore. Pandas and Pyomo packages weren't found anymore. So I pip installed them again. Since then it doesn't work right anymore:
When I execute:
In [13]: solver = SolverFactory('cplex')
I receive from the solver:
- Lower bound: -inf
Upper bound: inf
Number of objectives: 1
Number of constraints: 0
Number of variables: None
Number of nonzeros: None
Sense: unknown
- Status: ok
Termination condition: unknown
Error rc: 0
Time: 0.04337573051452637
...even though my model is constructed and contains all the variables, constraints, etc.
It does it for different models too. Here(PDF) is my example if you want to see it.
But I think it has something to do with the environment I run all this in and I don't have any ideas on how to tackle this.
problem discovered by solving the model with tee=Tree
problem solved: One shouldn't have blank spaces in the path to python file. Blank spaces in python file itself don't make this error occur.
Issue reported on GitHub.
Edit: Issue fixed and closed.