I am trying to replace
<form action="{{ form_action }}" data-productid="{{product.id}}" method="{{form_method}}" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="{{form_id}}" data-section="{{ section.id }}" class="product-form-{{ section.id }} {{form_class}}">
{% form 'product', product, data-productid: product.id, id: form_id, data-section: section.id, class: "product-form-{{ section.id }} {{form_class}}" %}
Everythink is great, except:
class: "product-form-{{ section.id }} {{form_class}}"
I have no idea how to display "section.id" and "form_class" as a variable, but not as a text.
I was trying to display as in PHP ("product-form-" . section.id . " " . form_class) and as in Javascript ("product-form-" + section.id + " " + form_class) but it return an error :(
You have to split your logic a little.
First set the classes in a variable and call that one instead.
{%- capture classes -%}
product-form-{{ section.id }} {{form_class}}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% form
data-productid: product.id,
id: form_id,
data-section: section.id,
class: classes