Is there a quick and easy way to convert a floating number, in MATHEMATICA?
For example:
234 = 0.230*10^0
1.234 = 0.234*10^1
45.342 = 0.45342*10^2
then apply addition, subtraction, etc.
For example 234 + 12.5
in floating point it would be
0.234*10^0 + 0.125*10^1
applying rounding to 2 digits
0.23*10^0 + 0.13*10^1
I need a function that can convert any number to floating point
The following outputs its result as a string. This may be the only way to get the format you want, e.g. 0.45342*10^2
because otherwise Mathematica will convert it to 45.342
g[x_] := Module[{},
p = Floor[Log[10, N[x]]] + 1;
"*10^", ToString[p]]]
ans = g[45.342]
Converting string to number.