I am new to Rstudio and I am tring to figure out how to create a dashboard with "flexdashboard"
Here is my dataset
``` Country Refugees
1 Belgium 508645
2 France 2874490
3 Germany 10893516
4 Ireland 142555
5 Italy 538407
6 Netherlands 1900518
7 Portugal 7918
8 Spain 89946
9 United Kingdom 3766855
I am trying to create a pie chart, and here is what I enter but it does not work. After trying many variations, I never figured out how to make it work.
```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE}
totalref <- read.csv("F:/HU/ANLY 512/Dashboarding Lab/total.xls", header = TRUE)
plot_ly(totalref, labels= ~totalref$Country, values= ~totalref$Total, type= 'pie')
layout (title='Persons of Concern in 9 European Countries',
xaxis = list(showgrid=FALSE, zeroline=FALSE, showticklabels=FALSE),
yaxis = list(showgrid=FALSE, zeroline=FALSE, showticklabels=FALSE))
I think I am probably on the wrong track so any advise would be appreciated.
Here are my remarks:
in the plot_ly()
calls and use column names directly.Total
column in your sample data, maybe what you wanted to use is Refugees
, the code chunck will be evaluated, but neither the code nor its output will be displayed. So remove this and replace it by echo=FALSE
if you want the code not to be displayed, but the plot to appear.layout()
function is the plot itself, so it seems a pipe operator %>%
is missing in your code. Using the sample data you provided, this line:
totalref <- read.table(header = T, text =
"Country Refugees
'Belgium' 508645
'France' 2874490
'Germany' 10893516
'Ireland' 142555
'Italy' 538407
'Netherlands' 1900518
'Portugal' 7918
'Spain' 89946
'United Kingdom' 3766855")
plot_ly(totalref, labels = ~ Country, values = ~ Refugees, type = 'pie',
textposition = 'inside', textinfo = 'label+percent') %>%
layout (title='Persons of Concern in 9 European Countries',
showlegend = TRUE)
works fine for me. It gives the following result:
textposition = 'inside', textinfo = 'label+percent'
: displays the label and percent inside the graph;showlegend = TRUE
displays the legend.