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Ruby to Scala code translation - Sorting in Scala

I'm converting some code from Ruby to Scala. Problem is that I never programmed Ruby in my life. It's going well, but now I reached a line that I don't know because I'm new in Scala and I don't understand the sorting mechanism. So I want to translate this ruby line to scala:

fronts[last_front].sort! {|x,y| crowded_comparison_operator(x,y)}

fronts is Vector[Vector[Map[String, Any]]]

last_front is an Int

crowded_comparison_operator(x,y) returns -1, 0 or 1, x and y are Map[String, Any]


  • You have two possibilities with standard Scala collections:

    • Convert the -1, 0, 1 output of crowded_comparison_operator into a boolean that tells you whether the first element is less than the second element, then use sortWith.
    • define a new Ordering, pass it explicitly to the sorted method.

    The sortWith method

    The first element is less than the second element if and only if crowded_comparison_operator returns -1, so you could do this:

    fronts(last_front).sortWith{ (x, y) => crowded_comparison_operator(x, y) < 0 }

    Defining an Ordering for sorted

    The sorted method takes an implicit Ordering parameter. You can define your own custom ordering, and pass it explicitly:

    import scala.math.Ordering
    fronts(last_front).sorted(new Ordering[Vector[Map[String, Any]]] {
      def compare(
        x: Vector[Map[String, Any]], 
        y: Vector[Map[String, Any]]
      ): Int = crowded_comparison_operator(x, y)

    or shorter, with scala versions supporting SAM (since 2.11.5, if I remember correctly):

      (x: Vector[Map[String, Any], y: Vector[Map[String, Any]]) => 
        crowded_comparison_operator(x, y)

    Note that, as @mikej has pointed out, Ruby's sort! sorts the array in-place. This cannot work for an immutable vector, so you have to adjust your code accordingly.