In Coq, I showed the associativity of append
on vectors using:
Require Import Coq.Vectors.VectorDef Omega.
Program Definition t_app_assoc v p q r (a : t v p) (b : t v q) (c : t v r) :=
append (append a b) c = append a (append b c).
Next Obligation. omega. Qed.
I now want to apply this equality in a proof. Below is the easiest goal that I would expect to be provable with t_app_assoc
. Of course it can be proven by simpl
- this is just an example.
Goal (append (append (nil nat) (nil _)) (nil _)
= append (nil _) (append (nil _) (nil _))).
apply t_app_assoc.
This apply
fails with:
Error: Unable to unify "Prop" with
"append (append (nil nat) (nil nat)) (nil nat) =
append (nil nat) (append (nil nat) (nil nat))".
How can I apply t_app_assoc
? Or is there a better way to define it? I thought I needed a Program Definition
, because simply using a Lemma
leads to a type error because t v (p + (q + r))
and t v (p + q + r)
are not the same to Coq.
I guess what you want to to is to prove that the vector concatenation is associative and then use that fact as a lemma.
But t_app_assoc
as you define it has the following type:
: forall (v : Type) (p q r : nat), t v p -> t v q -> t v r -> Prop
You basically want to use :
instead of :=
as follows.
From Coq Require Import Vector Arith.
Import VectorNotations.
Import EqNotations. (* rew notation, see below *)
Section Append.
Variable A : Type.
Variable p q r : nat.
Variables (a : t A p) (b : t A q) (c : t A r).
Fail Lemma t_app_assoc :
append (append a b) c = append a (append b c).
Unfortunately, we cannot even state a lemma like this using the usual homogeneous equality.
The left-hand side has the following type:
Check append (append a b) c : t A (p + q + r).
whereas the right-hand side is of type
Check append a (append b c) : t A (p + (q + r)).
Since t A (p + q + r)
is not the same as t A (p + (q + r))
we cannot use =
to state the above lemma.
Let me describe some ways of working around this issue:
notationLemma t_app_assoc_rew :
append (append a b) c = rew (plus_assoc _ _ _) in
append a (append b c).
Here we just use the law of associativity of addition for natural numbers to cast the type of RHS to t A (p + q + r)
To make it work one needs to Import EqNotations.
functionThis is a common problem, so the authors of the Vector
library decided to provide a cast
function with the following type:
cast :
forall (A : Type) (m : nat),
Vector.t A m -> forall n : nat, m = n -> Vector.t A n
Let me show how one can use it to prove the law of associativity for vectors. But let's prove the following auxiliary lemma first:
Lemma uncast {X n} {v : Vector.t X n} e :
cast v e = v.
Proof. induction v as [|??? IH]; simpl; rewrite ?IH; reflexivity. Qed.
Now we are all set:
Lemma t_app_assoc_cast (a : t A p) (b : t A q) (c : t A r) :
append (append a b) c = cast (append a (append b c)) (plus_assoc _ _ _).
generalize (Nat.add_assoc p q r).
induction a as [|h p' a' IH]; intros e.
- now rewrite uncast.
- simpl; f_equal. apply IH.
Lemma t_app_assoc_jmeq :
append (append a b) c ~= append a (append b c).
End Append.
If you compare the definition of the homogeneous equality
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
eq_refl : x = x.
and the definition of heterogeneous equality
Inductive JMeq (A : Type) (x : A) : forall B : Type, B -> Prop :=
JMeq_refl : x ~= x.
you will see that with JMeq
the LHS and RHS don't have to be of the same type and this is why the statement of t_app_assoc_jmeq
looks a bit simpler than the previous ones.
See e.g. this question and this one; I also find this answer very useful too.