I would like to use the full width of the 18mm strips in my Brother P950NW printer for an image. At the moment, I am using ESC/P (not ESC/POS, which this printer does not seem to support), but if it's not possible with that I'm fine with any other protocol this printer supports. (Update: with Brother's Windows software, full-width printing is possible, but it uses the LPR protocol, for which there don't seem to be any Python libraries.)
I'm using the ESC/P command ESC* with density 72 (the highest available according to the printer's documentation), which only allows filling up the width in steps of 48 dots.
How do I print 200 pixels wide on a strip in ESC/P-speak an image with height 200? That should easily fit onto the strip. However, due to ESC*72 only accepting blocks of 48, everything beyond 192 is output on another strip.
Here's my demo code:
import socket
import struct
def escp(density_code=72):
stack_size_in_bytes = {72: 6}[density_code]
height = 200
width = 130
yield b'\x1bia\x00' # ESC/P command mode: ESC/P standard
yield b'\x1b@' # Initialize
yield b'\x1bim\x00\x00' # margin: 0
yield b'\x1biXE2\x00\x00\x00' # barcode margin: 0
yield b'\x1b3' + struct.pack('!B', 24) # line feed length: 24 dots (i.e. no space between lines)
for y_offset in range(0, height, 8 * stack_size_in_bytes):
yield b'\x1b*' + struct.pack('!B', density_code) + struct.pack('<H', width)
yield b'\xff' * width * stack_size_in_bytes
yield b'\x0a' # linefeed (move position 24 dots down)
yield b'\x0c' # Print start
c = socket.create_connection(('', 9100))
I'm fine with solutions in raw binary; here is the binary file and shortened hexdump generated by the above program.
Both the Brother PT-P950NW and Borther PT-9800PCN support a "raster protocol" (code 1 instead of 0 after ESC iA
). With this protocol, it is possible to print raster graphics at full width.
However, I could not find any documentation (the closest was this PDF for another printer), so I reverse-engineered it (and tried out a lot). The result is the project rasterprynt, available as a PyPi package. With rasterprynt, you can print arbitrary images, like this:
import rasterprynt
import PIL.Image
# Enter the IP address of your printer below
printer_ip = ''
img1 = PIL.Image.open('example1.png')
img2 = PIL.Image.open('example2.png')
data = rasterprynt.prynt([img1, img2, img1], printer_ip)