So, I'm doing a 5,000 frame animation for school (high school film making project, and I just want to look cool) and I just realized, while looking at the final render, that I have a subsurf modifier on some of my grass.
Horrible mistake, made by yours truly.
The issue is that I'm going for a lowpoly aesthetic, and this grass stands out like a sore thumb. I have somewhere in the range of 500 particles, and about 10% of them are subsurfed. It'd be great to know if there's a way to select a group of meshes and then enable/disable modifiers for all of them. Any help is appreciated :)
P.S. happy first post to me!
You can use python script, e.g.
import bpy
for o in bpy.context.selected_objects:
for m in o.modifiers:
if(m.type == "SUBSURF"):
(use blender's builtin text editor and run script, or write/paste it directly into builtin python console)
Or instead of removing modifier you can disable its effect via e.g. m.show_render = False