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Cropper.js crop programmatically

I am using cropper.js ( to manipulate images, but I could not find a way to crop my image programmatically.

What I am trying to do is create a cropped preview immediately after initialising the cropper.

var cropper = new Cropper(document.getElementById('img'), {
    autoCrop: true,
    autoCropArea: 1,
    aspectRatio: 500 / 660,
    minCropBoxWidth: 500,
    minCropBoxHeight: 660,
    viewMode: 2

I have autoCrop enabled, but if I try to get the data with cropper.getCroppedCanvas() it returns null.

I noticed that cropper.cropped is false, so probably I need to trigger the initial cropping, but no idea how.


  • I realised that I was trying to generate the preview image too early. the problem was that the cropper was not fully initialised yet.

    Calling the logic when ready is fired fixed it:

    var cropper = new Cropper(document.getElementById('img'), {
        autoCrop: true,
        autoCropArea: 1,
        aspectRatio: 500 / 660,
        minCropBoxWidth: 500,
        minCropBoxHeight: 660,
        viewMode: 2,
        ready: function() {