Okay, so the situation as like this:
I've got an ItemsControl, which contains several children.
the children are actually a UserControl, this is it's Xaml:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Border x:Name="dayHeader" Height="20" BorderBrush="#B0B6BE" BorderThickness="1" Grid.Row="0" Background="{StaticResource WeekHeader}">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center"
TextWrapping="NoWrap" Margin="1.5,0,0,0" Text="18"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center"
TextWrapping="NoWrap" Margin="2,0,0,0" Text="Thuesday" />
<!--DAY HOURS-->
<ItemsControl x:Name="dayHours" Grid.Row="1">
<Border Name="dayHourBorder" Height="30" BorderBrush="#B0B6BE" Width="193" Tag="{Binding Index}" BorderThickness="1,0,1,1" Background="AliceBlue"
MouseLeftButtonDown="dayHourBorder_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="dayHourBorder_MouseLeftButtonUp"
MouseMove="dayHourBorder_MouseMove" />
IN SHORT it's a grid that in the first row has a border and in the second row has an ItemsControl.
Alright now... what i wanna do is, whenever i click between the child ItemControls (day hours) i want them to execute some function on the LostFocus() event and on GotFocus() event.
problem is... they don't fire! and it tried registering to them from every possible angle! HALP.
UPDATE I tried executing Focus() on MouseLeftButtonDown, but what happened is, it went straight to OnLostFocus, which is not what i want... i don't understand it
I've managed to fix this issue by doing this:
doing: this.Focus();
and then: e.Handled = true;
the problem was that the ItemControl usually can't hold focus, and so the click event bubbles up. but when i tell him it's Handled, it stops it's bubbling and won't lose the focus.