I'm trying to get the appProperties
field to be returned with my files on gdrive, but currently unable to get it working.
"googleapis": "^29.0.0"
Here's my scopes and fields:
scopes: [
fields = ["id", "name", "mimeType", "parents", "description", "modifiedTime", "appProperties"]
All of the other properties come back using drive.files.list
without issue, but it won't return the appProperties
getFilesByQuery: function( queryString , extraFields ){
var fields = ["id", "name", "mimeType", "parents", "description", "modifiedTime", "appProperties"];
if( extraFields && extraFields.length )
fields = fields.concat( extraFields );
return drive.files.list({
'pageSize': 200,
'fields': `nextPageToken, files(${ fields.join(', ') })`,
'q': queryString
When I query directly through files/get on dev.google API, this is what I get back for that file:
"name": "US",
"appProperties": {
"order": "1"
Any ideas?
In my environment, I confirmed that appProperties
can be retrieved using files.list
and files.get
of googleapis with v29.0.0. And I thought about the possibility of the reason for your situation. So can you confirm the following point?
When I read the document of Custom File Properties, it says as follows.
Properties are accessed using the properties (visible to all apps) and appProperties (restricted to single apps) fields on files
I investigated about this. As a sample, it supposes that {"key1": "value1"}
was written to appProperties
and properties
by client_id_A.
, when the appProperties
is read, only the client ID which is the same with the client ID used when appProperties
was written can read it.
written by client_id_A.properties
, when the properties
is read, it can be read by various client IDs.
written by client_id_A.From these results, appProperties
and properties
can be used as "Private" and "Public", respectively.
Using this, can you confirm your situation again? If you will write appProperties
using node.js, you can use the following script. By this, you can confirm that you can write and read appProperties
using the same client ID.
fileId: "### file ID ###",
resource: {"appProperties": {"key": "value"}},
fields: 'id,appProperties',
If this was not useful for your situation, I'm sorry.