Which is the way to take the time of a badge awarded to a user?
I tried the notification as it is recommended here but I get:
method not available
Per the linked answer and the API docs, you cannot directly get the badge award times from the API.
To get them indirectly requires a fair bit of work, which is already summarized in that answer and which you did not do. Also, the indirect method is limited to a single, logged-in, user per app session.
Perhaps a better approach is to use the Data Explorer (SEDE).
Here is a query to get a user's badge award times.
See it in action at SEDE: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/851077/...
-- UserId: User ID "Enter a user's ID."
SELECT u.Id AS [User Link]
WHEN b.Tagbased = 1 THEN 'Tag: [' + b.Name + ']'
ELSE b.Name
END AS [Badge name]
WHEN b.Class = 1 THEN 'Gold'
WHEN b.Class = 2 THEN 'Silver'
WHEN b.Class = 3 THEN 'Bronze'
ELSE '*Unkown*'
END AS [Class]
, b.Date AS [Awarded]
FROM Badges b
LEFT JOIN Users u ON u.Id = b.Userid
WHERE b.Userid = ##UserId:int##
ORDER BY u.Displayname
, [Awarded] DESC
It returns results like:
User Link Badge name Class Awarded Lenak "Editor" "Bronze" "2018-05-02 10:04:38" Lenak "Custodian" "Bronze" "2018-05-02 09:49:36" Lenak "Peer Pressure" "Bronze" "2018-04-26 22:18:46" Lenak "Informed" "Bronze" "2018-04-26 20:38:26"