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Deleting a Pinterest pin via Pinterest API in Objective-C

Apparently the Pinterest iOS SDK does not have a direct command to execute this function. How would one use the generic Pinterest API Endpoint DELETE for achieving this in Objective-C?

I was trying to look at examples online to implement a DELETE call to the Restful Pinterest API (e.g. and but so far I haven't found a definitive solution. Does anybody have implemented something like that?


  • Actually the Pinterest iOS SDK does have a convenience method for deleting a pin. It is just not included in pin section of the documentation at this point... (

    Just found this by typing randomly after [PDKClient sharedInstance]:

     [[PDKClient sharedInstance] deletePin:(NSString *) 
          withSuccess:^(PDKResponseObject *responseObject) {
          } andFailure:^(NSError *error) {