Search code examples

Attempting to cache HttpClient Request in Angular but seeing unresolved variables

I pretty much copied the code below from the Angular HttpClient Docs

The reason I want to cache HttpClient GETS is because the site makes multiple GET requests to an endpoint but the data only changes once a day. So I'm thinking I could just cache the requests and save some space/time. I do have a browser cache setup on my nginx server, but that doesn't cache client requests, correct?

It's telling me, isCachable, get and put are unresolved. Am I missing an import somewhere or is there something else?

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpHeaders, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpResponse} from '@angular/common/http';
import {of} from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';

export class RequestCacheManager implements HttpInterceptor {
  constructor(private cache: RequestCache) {

  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
    // continue if not cachable.
    if (!isCachable(req)) {
      return next.handle(req);

    const cachedResponse = this.cache.get(req);
    return cachedResponse ?
      of(cachedResponse) : this.sendRequest(req, next, this.cache);

   * Get server response observable by sending request to `next()`.
   * Will add the response to the cache on the way out.
  sendRequest(req: HttpRequest<any>,
              next: HttpHandler,
              cache: RequestCache): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {

    // No headers allowed in npm search request
    const noHeaderReq = req.clone({headers: new HttpHeaders()});

    return next.handle(noHeaderReq).pipe(
      tap(event => {
        // There may be other events besides the response.
        if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
          cache.put(req, event); // Update the cache.

I'm hoping to implement this to help cut down on the amount of client side time/requests and space neccasary for my App to function.


  • The documentation at doesn't currently give the full picture.

    This blog post is helpful.

    You need to implement the RequestCache, called RequestCacheWithMap in the example (and the example also depends on a MessageService).

    Then you provide the HttpInterceptor something like this:

    import { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';
    import { MyInterceptor } from './http-interceptors/my-interceptor';
    import { RequestCacheWithMap } from './services/request-cache.service';
    import { MessageService } from './services/message.service';
      providers: [
          provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
          useClass: MyInterceptor,
          multi: true,
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }