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Root domain behind AWS CloudFront

As per this Amazon's article I was trying to make the whole WordPress website work behind AWS CloudFront. Not just the static files but the whole website (it can be done with setting up proper cache behaviors). However if you use the bare domain (, without www) it seems that's impossible.

Namely, if the origin of a CloudFront distribution is, and if you put a CNAME for in that same distribution CloudFront will sporadically produce 403 Error. After some digging I found out that this is expected behavior since with this setup, where origin and the CNAME values are the same, CloudFront will look for the origin onto itself and produce error.

So how can one use naked domain and use CloudFront as a proxy at the same time?


I've implemented the solution suggested in the comments. I was getting an error but now it works.

  1. The origin in the CF distribution is
  2. CNAME in the CF distribution is
  3. In the Cache Behavior settings in the CF distribution the Host header is whitelisted.
  4. In DNS points to the server's IP with an A record.
  5. In DNS points to the CF distribution with an ALIAS-A record.

The only beef I have with this workaround is that this way the origin server's IP address is discoverable on the net. A script kiddie can accidentally access and the server's true IP address is in the open, thus you're prone to DDoS. One of the many benefits of a proxy is that with it you're hiding the true server's IP address.

I'm currently using Cloudflare as a proxy mainly because of that reason. In the past I was hit with massive DDoS attack and my server's IP address was null-routed by the host, so I had to quickly hide behind Cloudflare and change the server's static IP. No headaches since then. I wanted to switch to CloduFront but using the bare domain seems not viable.


  • You have to create another hostname in DNS, pointed to the instance, such as But the instance does not need to know about this name.

    Create a CloudFront origin using this new hostname as the origin domain name, and then in the Cache Behavior, whitelist the Host header for forwarding to the origin.

    In DNS, point only to CloudFront.

    CloudFront will then use the alternate name to find the instance's actual IP address, but will preserve the original hostname ( in the request that is sent to the origin.