I have a simple a Kivy interface that also uses the terminal.
Example code:
import kivy
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
return Label(text = 'Hello')
The problem is that whenever I start the script I get this:
[INFO ] [Logger ] Record log in C:\Users\Simon\.kivy\logs\kivy_18-05-12_37.txt
[INFO ] [Kivy ] v1.10.0
[INFO ] [Python ] v3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 16:07:46) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]
[INFO ] [Factory ] 194 symbols loaded
[INFO ] [Image ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_sdl2, img_pil, img_gif (img_ffpyplayer ignored)
[INFO ] [Text ] Provider: sdl2
[INFO ] [OSC ] using <thread> for socket
[INFO ] [Window ] Provider: sdl2
[INFO ] [GL ] Using the "OpenGL" graphics system
[INFO ] [GL ] GLEW initialization succeeded
[INFO ] [GL ] Backend used <glew>
[INFO ] [GL ] OpenGL version <b'4.5.13467 Compatibility Profile Context 21.19.414.1280'>
[INFO ] [GL ] OpenGL vendor <b'ATI Technologies Inc.'>
[INFO ] [GL ] OpenGL renderer <b'AMD Radeon R7 Graphics'>
[INFO ] [GL ] OpenGL parsed version: 4, 5
[INFO ] [GL ] Shading version <b'4.50'>
[INFO ] [GL ] Texture max size <16384>
[INFO ] [GL ] Texture max units <32>
[INFO ] [Window ] auto add sdl2 input provider
[INFO ] [Window ] virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, not docked
[INFO ] [Base ] Start application main loop
[INFO ] [GL ] NPOT texture support is available
[INFO ] [Base ] Leaving application in progress...
I have found that this is Kivy's automatic debugging messages. How do I prevent them (or at least hide so that I can use the terminal)?
As shown in the docs, you should only do the following:
import os
os.environ["KIVY_NO_CONSOLELOG"] = "1"
import kivy