I have camel and rabbitmq configured like the following and it is working. I am looking to improve the config setup.
host: rabbithost-url
port: 5672
username: my-user
password: my-password
config bean
public class CamelConfig {
@Resource private Environment env;
public ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory(){
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
// more config options here etc
return connectionFactory;
Route Example
public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
Would like to improve the following? Or at least see if its possible?
1) How do I leverage spring boot autowiring. I feel like im duplicating beans by added the custom CamelConfig > rabbitConnectionFactory? Its not using the RabbitAutoconfiguration?
2) When I am using the connection factory I am referencing the rabbitmq-url and port twice? I am adding it in the rabbitConnectionFactory bean object and in the camel url? e.g.
.to("rabbitmq://rabbithost-url:5672/ ..etc.. &connectionFactory=#rabbitConnectionFactory")
can I not just reference it once in the connection factory? tried the following without the host as its included in connectionFactory but it did not work.
The 1st working example I am using is based off this. camel.apache.org/rabbitmq example (see Custom connection factory )
Found from looking at the newer docs on github.
Notice that now no url needed in the start of the route.
Full camel route example below
Here is url: