I am doing Exercise 1.3 from SICP.
My code is the following:
#lang racket
(require sicp)
(define (square a)
(* a a)
(define (sum-of-squares a b)
(+ (square a) (square b) )
(define (max a b)
(cond ((>= a b) a)
(else b)
(define (sum-of-biggest-squares a b c )
(cond ((>= a b)
(sum-of-squares a (max b c) )
(sum-of-squares b (max a c) )
(sum-of-biggest-squares 5 7 10)
Surprisingly, the Racket interpreter does
not print any result for the above. The interpreter
works fine for other values. But for
this set of three values its not
When I try to add an else statement
like the following:
(else (sum-of-squares b (max a c) ) )
The interpreter says:
exercise_1-3.rkt:23:10: else: not allowed as an expression
in: (else (sum-of-squares b (max a c)))
You have a couple of syntax errors in function sum-of-biggest-squares
: a parenthesis should be added to close the first cond
clause, and else
should be added to the second one:
(define (sum-of-biggest-squares a b c)
(cond ((>= a b) (sum-of-squares a (max b c)))
(else (sum-of-squares b (max a c)))))
Note that the way in which you format the code, so different from the current common conventions, makes very difficult to read it and easy to introduce syntax errors.