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How to use tensorflow eager execution only in specific parts of the application?

I've got few files with different files:

  • <-- Uses tensorflow based library darkflow that relies on the graph mode
  • <-- uses tf eager execution

During darkflow's TFNet initialization I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/justin/Projects/comp3931/", line 6, in <module>
    watcher = Watcher('res/vid/planet_earth_s01e01/video.mp4', 'res/vid/planet_earth_s01e01/')
  File "/home/justin/Projects/comp3931/", line 9, in __init__
    self.detector = Detector()
  File "/home/justin/Projects/comp3931/", line 6, in __init__
    self.tfnet = TFNet(self.options)
  File "/usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/darkflow/net/", line 75, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/darkflow/net/", line 105, in build_forward
    self.inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, inp_size, 'input')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line 1677, in placeholder
    raise RuntimeError("tf.placeholder() is not compatible with "
RuntimeError: tf.placeholder() is not compatible with eager execution.

So, I assume that when I instantiate Translator class from file it invokes eager execution on the whole program, which then is not compatible with calls to darkflow's TFNet class used in Dectector class from

If I run independently from others it works fine, other modules also work fine if run them without involved.

I guess the fact that they use different contexts (graph/eager), the whole thing can't run together in the same program. I've tried looking at the documentation, but could not find a way to switch back to graph mode when needed.

Is there any way I can run both eager and graph modes in the same application in different places?


  • It is best to write code that's compatible with both graph mode and eager execution. From the documentation:

    • Use for input processing instead of queues. It's faster and easier.
    • Use object-oriented layer APIs—like tf.keras.layers and tf.keras.Model—since they have explicit storage for variables.
    • Most model code works the same during eager and graph execution, but there are exceptions. (For example, dynamic models using Python control flow to change the computation based on inputs.)
    • Once eager execution is enabled with tf.enable_eager_execution, it cannot be turned off. Start a new Python session to return to graph execution.

    That said, it is possible to use eager execution while in graph mode by using tfe.py_func(). Here is the code example from the documentation (I just added the imports and asserts):

    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
    def my_py_func(x):
        assert tf.executing_eagerly()
        x = tf.matmul(x, x)  # You can use tf ops
        print(x)  # but it's eager!
        return x
    assert not tf.executing_eagerly()
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
        # Call eager function in graph!
        pf = tfe.py_func(my_py_func, [x], tf.float32), feed_dict={x: [[2.0]]})  # [[4.0]]

    The reverse is also possible, as Alex Passos explains in this video. Here is an example inspired by the one in the video:

    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
    def my_graph_func(x):
        assert not tf.executing_eagerly()
        w = tfe.Variable(2.0)
        b = tfe.Variable(4.0)
        return x * w + b
    assert tf.executing_eagerly()
    g = tfe.make_template("g", my_graph_func, create_graph_function_=True)

    There's also an unofficial way to switch modes, using the eager_mode and graph_mode contexts defined in tensorflow.python.eager.context like this:

    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
    from tensorflow.python.eager.context import eager_mode, graph_mode
    with eager_mode():
        print("Eager mode")
        assert tf.executing_eagerly()
        x1 = tfe.Variable(5.0)
    with graph_mode():
        print("Graph mode")
        assert not tf.executing_eagerly()
        x2 = tfe.Variable(5.0)
        with tf.Session():

    As it is not official, you should probably avoid it in production code, but it may come in handy when debugging, or in a Jupyter notebook. One last option is to use this switch_to() function:

    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
    from tensorflow.python.eager.context import context, EAGER_MODE, GRAPH_MODE
    def switch_to(mode):
        ctx = context()._eager_context
        ctx.mode = mode
        ctx.is_eager = mode == EAGER_MODE
    assert tf.executing_eagerly()
    v = tfe.Variable(3.0)
    assert tf.get_default_graph().get_operations() == []
    assert not tf.executing_eagerly()
    v = tfe.Variable(3.0)
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    assert len(tf.get_default_graph().get_operations()) > 0
    with tf.Session():

    It is really a hack, but it may be useful in a Jupyter notebook, if you don't like nesting all your code in with blocks.