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Operator Overloading with Tuples in Swift

Operator Overloading

Swift 4.1, Xcode 9.3

I am trying to make a quadratic equation function in Swift.

While working on this, I found that I needed to overload some operators so that I could work with tuples alongside other numbers (Double in this case), this is because I needed to use my custom ± operator. Despite the fact that I was only working with value of type Double in my quadratic function, I decided that I wanted to use generics to make my overloaded operators more flexible for future use.

But–for a reason I don't understand–I am receiving errors regarding the declaration of the overloaded / operator.

Custom ± Operator - Working

infix operator ± : AdditionPrecedence

public func ± <T: Numeric>(left: T, right: T) -> (T, T) {
    return (left + right, left - right)

Quadratic Function - Working

func quadratic(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) -> (Double, Double) {
    return (-b ± sqrt((b * b) - (4 * a * c))) / (2 * a)

Overloaded Operators - Partially Working¹

//Binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands
func / <T: Numeric>(lhs: (T, T), rhs: T) -> (T, T) { 
    return (lhs.0 / rhs, lhs.1 / rhs)
func * <T: Numeric>(lhs: (T, T), rhs: T) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs.0 * rhs, lhs.1 * rhs)
func - <T: Numeric>(lhs: (T, T), rhs: T) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs.0 - rhs, lhs.1 - rhs)
func + <T: Numeric>(lhs: (T, T), rhs: T) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs.0 + rhs, lhs.1 + rhs)

//Binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands
func / <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs / rhs.0, lhs / rhs.1)
func * <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs * rhs.0, lhs * rhs.1)
func - <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs - rhs.0, lhs - rhs.1)
func + <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs + rhs.0, lhs + rhs.1)

1. I only receive these errors with the / operator, not with any of the other overloaded operators (+, -, or *).

Overloaded Operators With Errors (/s) - Not Working

//Binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands
func / <T: Numeric>(lhs: (T, T), rhs: T) -> (T, T) { 
    return (lhs.0 / rhs, lhs.1 / rhs)

//Binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands
func / <T: Numeric>(lhs: T, rhs: (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
    return (lhs / rhs.0, lhs / rhs.1)

Hypothesis: I think that the fact that I am using the operator / within the declaration of the overloaded / operator itself–despite the fact that it is being used in a different context–is causing the error.

Final Question:

How do I resolve the errors while still maintaining the flexibility of my overloaded operators?

Bonus Question 1: If I can (I think that I would probably have to return a String to accomplish this), I would also like to make a separate quadratic function that can return an exact solution?

Bonus Question 2: Also if anyone knows how to make a separate function that can solve a cubic equation rather than quadratic, that would be appreciated too.


  • The key is to define / when T is FloatingPoint or BinaryInteger, and not just any Numeric. Furthermore, I would recommend you use an enum, to properly model the three possible outcomes of a quadratic function:

    import Foundation
    infix operator ± : AdditionPrecedence
    public enum QuadraticRoots<T> {
        case two(T, T)
        case one(T)
        case none
        func applyWithSelfOnLeft(_ fn: (T, T) -> T, withOperand value: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            switch self {
                case let .two(a, b): return .two(fn(a, value), fn(b, value))
                case let .one(a): return .one(fn(a, value))
                case .none: return .none
        func applyWithSelfOnRight(withOperand value: T, _ fn: (T, T) -> T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            switch self {
                case let .two(a, b): return .two(fn(value, a), fn(value, b))
                case let .one(a): return .one(fn(value, a))
                case .none: return .none
    public func ± <T: Numeric>(left: T, right: T) -> QuadraticRoots<T> {
        return QuadraticRoots.two(left + right, left - right)
    extension QuadraticRoots where T: Numeric {
        static func + (quadRoots: QuadraticRoots, rhs: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnLeft((+), withOperand: rhs)
        static func - (quadRoots: QuadraticRoots, rhs: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnLeft((-), withOperand: rhs)
        static func * (quadRoots: QuadraticRoots, rhs: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnLeft((*), withOperand: rhs)
        static func + (lhs: T, quadRoots: QuadraticRoots) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnRight(withOperand: lhs, (+))
        static func - (lhs: T, quadRoots: QuadraticRoots) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnRight(withOperand: lhs, (-))
        static func * (lhs: T, quadRoots: QuadraticRoots) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnRight(withOperand: lhs, (*))
        static func discriminantOf(xSquared a: T, x b: T, c: T) -> T { return b*b - 4*a*c }
    extension QuadraticRoots where T: FloatingPoint {
        static func / (quadRoots: QuadraticRoots, rhs: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnLeft((/), withOperand: rhs)
        static func / (lhs: T, quadRoots: QuadraticRoots) -> QuadraticRoots {
            return quadRoots.applyWithSelfOnRight(withOperand: lhs, (/))
        static func solveFrom(xSquared a: T, x b: T, c: T) -> QuadraticRoots {
            let discriminant = self.discriminantOf(xSquared: a, x: b, c: c)
            return (-b ± sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
    let a = 5 ± 10
    print(a + 2)
    print(a - 2)
    print(a * 2)
    print(2 + a)
    print(2 - a)
    print(2 * a)
    //print(a / 2)