i'm using odoo 9 and i want to install module "product_print_zpl_barcode" with add a wizard on product variant which allows to generate and print a product barcode on a ZPL printer . When i press on the button "Print barcode" an error shows which said " AttributeError: 'product.pricelist' object has no attribute 'get_product_pricelist' " Any help please ??
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<record id="product_normal_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">generate.weight.price.barcode.product.product.form</field>
<field name="model">product.product</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_normal_form_view" />
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<header position="inside">
<button name="%(product_print_zpl_barcode.product_print_zpl_barcode_action)d" type="action" string="Print Barcode"/>
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import UserError
from openerp.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
import base64
import re
class ProductPrintZplBarcode(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'product.print.zpl.barcode'
_description = 'Generate and print product barcodes in ZPL'
def default_get(self, fields_list):
res = super(ProductPrintZplBarcode, self).default_get(fields_list)
assert self._context.get('active_model') == 'product.product',\
'wrong active_model, should be product.product'
product_id = self._context.get('active_id')
product = self.env['product.product'].browse(product_id)
if not product:
raise UserError(_('Missing Product'))
if not product.barcode:
raise UserError(_(
"Product '%s' doesn't have a barcode") % product.display_name)
nomenclature = self.env.ref('barcodes.default_barcode_nomenclature')
company = self.env.user.company_id
posconfig = self.env['pos.config'].sudo().search(
[('company_id', '=', company.id)], limit=1)
if posconfig:
pricelist = posconfig.pricelist_id
pricelist = self.env['product.pricelist'].search([
'|', ('company_id', '=', False),
('company_id', '=', company.id),
], limit=1)
if not pricelist:
raise UserError(_(
"There are no pricelist in company %s ?") % company.name)
printer = self.env['printing.printer'].get_default()
'nomenclature_id': nomenclature.id,
'pricelist_id': pricelist.id,
'currency_id': pricelist.currency_id.id,
'barcode': product.barcode,
'product_name': product.name,
'product_id': product_id,
'zpl_printer_id': printer and printer.id or False,
return res
product_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.product', string='Product', required=True, readonly=True)
uom_id = fields.Many2one(
related='product_id.uom_id', readonly=True)
# 1 line = un peu moins de 30
product_name = fields.Char('Product Label', required=True, size=56)
nomenclature_id = fields.Many2one(
'barcode.nomenclature', 'Barcode Nomenclature', required=True)
rule_id = fields.Many2one(
'barcode.rule', string='Barcode Rule', readonly=True,
barcode_type = fields.Selection(
related='rule_id.type', readonly=True, string="Barcode Type")
label_size = fields.Selection([
('38x25', '38x25 mm'),
], required=True, default='38x25', string='Label Size')
pricelist_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.pricelist', string='Pricelist', required=True)
currency_id = fields.Many2one(
related='pricelist_id.currency_id', readonly=True)
# TODO: for the moment, we only support weight, but...
quantity = fields.Float(digits=dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'))
price_uom = fields.Monetary(
readonly=True, string="Price per Unit of Measure",
compute='_compute_price') # given by pricelist
price = fields.Monetary(compute='_compute_price', readonly=True)
currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', string='Currency')
state = fields.Selection([
('step1', 'Step1'),
('step2', 'Step2'),
], default='step1', readonly=True)
zpl_file = fields.Binary(string='ZPL File', readonly=True)
zpl_filename = fields.Char('ZPL Filename')
barcode = fields.Char(readonly=True)
copies = fields.Integer(
string='Number of Labels', default=1, required=True)
zpl_printer_id = fields.Many2one(
'printing.printer', string='ZPL Printer')
@api.depends('pricelist_id', 'quantity', 'product_id')
def _compute_price(self):
# for regular barcodes
for wiz in self:
if wiz.pricelist_id and wiz.product_id:
price_uom = wiz.pricelist_id.get_product_pricelist(
wiz.product_id, 1, False)
wiz.price_uom = price_uom
wiz.price = price_uom * wiz.quantity
return wiz.price
def _compute_rule_id(self):
match_rule = False
if self.nomenclature_id and self.barcode:
for rule in self.nomenclature_id.rule_ids:
match = self.nomenclature_id.match_pattern(
self.barcode, rule.pattern)
if match.get('match'):
match_rule = rule.id
self.rule_id = match_rule
def _prepare_price_weight_barcode_type(self):
dpo = self.env['decimal.precision']
bno = self.env['barcode.nomenclature']
prec = dpo.precision_get('Stock Weight')
value = self.quantity
pbarcode = self.barcode
if float_is_zero(value, precision_digits=prec):
raise UserError(_(
"The quantity (%s) must be positive !") % value)
# check prefix
pattern = self.rule_id.pattern
if '{' not in pattern:
raise UserError(_(
"The barcode rule '%s' has a pattern '%s' which doesn't "
"contain a integer and decimal part between '{}'.")
% (self.rule_id.name, pattern))
prefix = pattern.split('{')[0]
assert len(prefix) >= 1
if len(prefix) > len(pbarcode):
raise UserError(_(
"The barcode of the product (%s) has %d characters, "
"which is smaller than the %d characters of the prefix "
"of the barcode pattern (%s).")
% (pbarcode, len(pbarcode), len(prefix), prefix))
barcode = pbarcode[0:len(prefix)]
# print "barcode=", barcode
# print "pattern=", pattern
m = re.search('\{N+D+\}', pattern)
# print "m=", m
assert m
pattern_val = m.group(0)
pattern_val = pattern_val[1:-1]
# print "pattern_val=", pattern_val
max_value = 10**pattern_val.count('N')
if float_compare(value, max_value, precision_digits=prec) != -1:
raise UserError(_(
"The value to encode in the barcode (%s) is superior "
"to the maximum value allowed by the barcode pattern (%s).")
% (value, max_value))
value_u = unicode(value)
value_u_split = value_u.split('.')
assert len(value_u_split) == 2
value_n = value_u_split[0]
value_d = value_u_split[1]
assert len(value_n) <= pattern_val.count('N')
barcode += value_n.zfill(pattern_val.count('N'))
# end fill doesn't exists... so:
# 1) make sure we have enough 0 after
value_d_ext = value_d + '0' * pattern_val.count('D')
# 2) cut at the right size
barcode += value_d_ext[0:pattern_val.count('D')]
# print "barcode=", barcode
# Add checksum
if self.rule_id.encoding == 'ean13':
barcode = bno.sanitize_ean(barcode)
# print "barcode FINAL=", barcode
zpl_unicode = self._price_weight_barcode_type_zpl() % {
'product_name': self.product_name,
'ean13_no_checksum': barcode[:12],
'price_uom': self.price_uom,
'price': self.price,
'currency_symbol': self.currency_id.symbol,
'copies': self.copies,
'quantity': value,
'uom_name': self.uom_id.name,
zpl_encoded = zpl_unicode.encode('utf-8')
vals = {
'zpl_file': zpl_encoded.encode('base64'),
'barcode': barcode,
return vals
def _price_weight_barcode_type_zpl(self):
label = u"""
^FO15,0^FB270,1,0,C^FD%(price).2f %(currency_symbol)s^FS
^FO15,75^FB270,1,0,C^FD%(quantity).3f %(uom_name)s %(price_uom).2f %
return label
def _product_barcode_type_zpl(self):
label = u"""
^FO15,0^FB270,1,0,C^FD%(price_uom).2f %(currency_symbol)s^FS
return label
def _prepare_product_barcode_type(self):
zpl_unicode = self._product_barcode_type_zpl() % {
'product_name': self.product_name,
'ean13_no_checksum': self.barcode[:12],
'price_uom': self.price_uom,
'currency_symbol': self.currency_id.symbol, # symbol is a required field
'copies': self.copies,
zpl_encoded = zpl_unicode.encode('utf-8')
vals = {
'zpl_file': zpl_encoded.encode('base64'),
'barcode': self.barcode, # unchanged
return vals
def generate(self):
assert self.barcode
if len(self.barcode) != 13:
raise UserError(_(
"This wizard only supports EAN13 for the moment. Barcode '%s' "
"has %d digits instead of 13") % (
if not self.copies:
raise UserError(_("The number of copies cannot be 0"))
if self.barcode_type in ('price', 'weight'):
vals = self._prepare_price_weight_barcode_type()
elif self.barcode_type == 'product':
vals = self._prepare_product_barcode_type()
raise UserError(_(
"Barcode Type %s is not supported for the moment")
% self.barcode_type)
'state': 'step2',
'zpl_filename': 'barcode_%s.zpl' % vals['barcode'],
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].for_xml_id(
'res_id': self.id,
'context': self._context,
'views': False})
return action
def print_zpl(self):
if not self.zpl_printer_id:
raise UserError(_(
"You must select a ZPL Printer."))
self.zpl_filename, base64.decodestring(self.zpl_file), 'raw')
action = True
if self._context.get('print_and_new'):
action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].for_xml_id(
'views': False,
'context': self._context,
return action
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
650, in _handle_exception
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
687, in dispatch
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
323, in _call_function
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-
20180426\server\.\openerp\service\model.py", line 118, in wrapper
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
316, in checked_call
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
966, in __call__
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\http.py", line
516, in response_wrap
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-
20180426\server\openerp\addons\web\controllers\main.py", line 896, in
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-
20180426\server\openerp\addons\web\controllers\main.py", line 888, in
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\api.py", line
250, in wrapper
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\api.py", line
381, in old_api
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\models.py", line
6067, in onchange
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\models.py", line
5770, in __getitem__
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\fields.py", line
834, in __get__
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\fields.py", line
949, in determine_draft_value
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\fields.py", line
895, in compute_value
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\.\openerp\fields.py", line
885, in _compute_value
File "D:\Projet_Odoo\Odoo 9.0-20180426\server\openerp\addons\product_print_zpl_barcode\models\product_print_zpl_barcode.py", line 98, in _compute_price
AttributeError: 'product.pricelist' object has no attribute
You said it yourself, but it looks like you just missed it.
Yes it exists
def _get_product_pricelist(...): ...
However, _get_product_pricelist
is not the same as what you're calling, which is get_product_pricelist
You are missing the underscore prior to the method name.
price_uom = wiz.pricelist_id._get_product_pricelist(
... ^