I have a class with a member that is an array of double
Public Name as String
Public InAMeeting as Variant
'InAMeeting: Type: Array of Double.
'Sometimes with dimensions of 1 to 8, sometimes of 1 to 10.
I fill my class in a loop and then fill them into a global dictionary with a string as the key.
My problem comes when I try to access the InAMeeting member directly from the dictionary:
'g_dict_People is a globally defined dictionary.
'KeyPerson is a unique key in the dictionary matching a filled object of type cls_Person
Dim Bravo as Double
Bravo = g_dict_People(KeyPerson).InAMeeting(3)
results in error: Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object (Error 451)
But if I first create a copy of the object from the dictionary then it works:
Dim Bravo as Double
Set temp_cls_Person = g_dict_People(KeyPerson)
Bravo = temp_cls_Person.InAMeeting(3)
I can access the Name member directly - this works:
Dim Alpha as string
Alpha = g_dict_People(KeyPerson).Name
Why the difference? Is it to do with the way that I declared the InAMeeting member in the class definition? Is there any way to directly access an object's members when they are of type array?
Sorry I haven't detailed a minimal working example - the code is spread out across multiple modules and classes.
I can't test your code since we don't have an MCVE, but the following code works for me. Modified from this answer. TIL yet another use case for ()
Bravo = g_dict_People(KeyPerson).InAMeeting()(3)
' extra parens! ^^
is apparently implemented as a property, i.e., a function that you have to call to get the array you want to index into. The extra ()
make that call.
My test case:
Public v As Variant
Public Sub foo()
Dim v As Variant
v = Array(1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#) ' Assuming you're doing something like this
Dim o As Class1 ' Put the variant array in the object
Set o = New Class1
o.v = v
Dim c As Collection ' Put the object in the collection
Set c = New Collection
c.Add o, "key"
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print "Direct"
Debug.Print v(3) ' Works OK
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
Debug.Print "From collection with ()"
Debug.Print c("key").v()(3) ' <== Your use case - works OK
' Extra parens ^^
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
' Reproducing the problem
Debug.Print "From collection"
Debug.Print c("key").v(3) ' <== Bombs --- I think this is analogous to your use case
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
Dim o1 As Object
Set o1 = c("key")
Debug.Print "Intermediate object"
Debug.Print o1.v(3) ' Trying what you tried, but it didn't work for me.
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
' Another thing that works
Debug.Print "Intermediate object with ()"
Debug.Print o1.v()(3) ' <== This works
' Those extra ^^ parens
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub