Have called an external function which returns multiple values.
def get_name(full_name):
# you code
return first_name, last_name
In simple function call, I can get the results.
from names import get_name
first, last= get_name(full_name)
But I need to use threading for the call to get the result values for the first and last variables. I failed in using a simple threading call.
first, last= Threading.thread(get_name, args= (full_name,)
Please help me to get the return values of the function call
You should use a queue
for retrieve data from threads, here you have an example using a wrapper to store values from the functions into a queue:
import threading
import queue
my_queue = queue.Queue()
def storeInQueue(f):
def wrapper(*args):
return wrapper
def get_name(full_name):
return full_name, full_name
t = threading.Thread(target=get_name, args = ("foo", ))
my_data = my_queue.get()
Here you have the live working example