My zip file contains a lot of smaller zip files.
I want to iterate through all those files, reading and printing each of their comments.
I've found out that zipfile
or unzip -z
can do this to a file in separate, but I'm looking for a way to go through all of them.
Couldn't find anything perfect yet, but this post. However, the code is too advanced for me, and I need something very basic, to begin with :)
Any ideas or information would be great, thanks!
Not sure exactly what your looking for but here are a few ways I did it on an Ubuntu Linux machine.
for i in `ls *.zip`; do unzip -l $i; done
unzip -l
unzip -p | python -c 'import zipfile,sys,StringIO;print "\n".join(zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO('