I am writing a VSTS dashboard widget used for Work Item Tracking
However I am running into a problem when using the getWorkItem() function. I want to get the ids of all the Features under a given Epic (I already know the epic ID). I am confident that if I set the expand paremeter of getWorkItem() to "All" I will get a list of all the Features and their respective ids. Unfortunately I do not know how to define the "type" of expand parameter and how to properly pass it as a value to the getWorkItem() function.
Here is my code:
VSS.require(["VSS/Service", "TFS/Dashboards/WidgetHelpers", "TFS/WorkItemTracking/RestClient"],
function (VSS_Service, WidgetHelpers, TFS_Wit_WebApi) {
VSS.register("myapp", function () {
var fetchData = function (widgetSettings) {
const epicID = 123456;
// Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
return VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(TFS_Wit_WebApi.WorkItemTrackingHttpClient).getWorkItem(123456, null, null, All).
//Successful retrieval of workItems
function (workItems) {
// Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();
function (error) {
// Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Failure(error.message);
Here is the VSTS reference for expand It explains what the values can be, but doesn't say how to pass it into the getWorkItem() function.
I would like to set the optional expand parameter of the function to "All" but don't know its type and how to properly define and use it.
Based on the source code, it is the enum, so you can specify the integer (e.g. 4) in getWorkItem function.
export enum WorkItemExpand {
None = 0,
Relations = 1,
Fields = 2,
Links = 3,
All = 4,