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VSTS Dashboard Widget getWorkItem optional parameter expand

I am writing a VSTS dashboard widget used for Work Item Tracking

However I am running into a problem when using the getWorkItem() function. I want to get the ids of all the Features under a given Epic (I already know the epic ID). I am confident that if I set the expand paremeter of getWorkItem() to "All" I will get a list of all the Features and their respective ids. Unfortunately I do not know how to define the "type" of expand parameter and how to properly pass it as a value to the getWorkItem() function.

Here is my code:

VSS.require(["VSS/Service", "TFS/Dashboards/WidgetHelpers", "TFS/WorkItemTracking/RestClient"],
        function (VSS_Service, WidgetHelpers, TFS_Wit_WebApi) {
            VSS.register("myapp", function () {
                var fetchData = function (widgetSettings) {
                    const epicID = 123456;
                    // Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
                    return VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(TFS_Wit_WebApi.WorkItemTrackingHttpClient).getWorkItem(123456, null, null, All).
                            //Successful retrieval of workItems
                            function (workItems) {
                                // Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
                                return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();
                            function (error) {
                                // Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
                                return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Failure(error.message);

Here is the VSTS reference for expand It explains what the values can be, but doesn't say how to pass it into the getWorkItem() function.

I would like to set the optional expand parameter of the function to "All" but don't know its type and how to properly define and use it.


  • Based on the source code, it is the enum, so you can specify the integer (e.g. 4) in getWorkItem function.

    export enum WorkItemExpand {
        None = 0,
        Relations = 1,
        Fields = 2,
        Links = 3,
        All = 4,