In another question (How to write a simple list-based quicksort in Idris?), I was left trying to understand why Prelude.Applicative.guard
requires an Ord
Guard is defined like this:
guard : Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard a = if a then pure () else empty
Looking at the Alternative
interface docs (I don't actually understand how it is defined in the code yet, but I'm not very far along in learning Idris), I don't see how it requires Ord
alone does not need the Ord
constraint, but rather (<)
in your previous question. I gave there an answer to distingush between List (Ord b)
and Ord b => List b
To see why guard
complains about the missing constraint, see how monad comprehensions are de-sugared.
[y | y <- xs, y < x]
becomes do {y <- xs; guard (y < x); pure y}