I am trying to set up geoip2
for GeoDjango as per the instructions.
For some reason the wrapper isn't importing the function. It worked before I downloaded the databases and pointed to them in my settings, but for some reason now I can't load GeoIP2
(even when I comment out the line in settings.py
). How should I troubleshoot this?
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> import geoip2
>>> from django.contrib.gis.geoip2 import GeoIP2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'GeoIP2'
EDIT: I can see the GeoIP2
function correctly listed in the source file (which I haven't modified). What could possibly be preventing it from loading?
I am running Django 1.11.4
If I import django.contrib.gis.geoip2
this is it's __path__
>>> geoip2.__path__
This module is Deprecated since version 1.9 in favor of django.contrib.gis.geoip2
, which supports IPv6 and the GeoLite2 database format.
If you have a django < 1.9, use instead
from django.contrib.gis.geoip import GeoIP