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What OAuth endpoint should be used to query user information from the Graph API

I'm writing a Word add-in. The add-in will be a paid add-in that can be purchased by an organization (Office 365 tenant) or an individual.


Once purchased a user will have to authenticate. To ensure the user is licences to use the add-in I will validate either by

  1. If an individual purchaser: looking up id or email associated with user's Microsoft account
  2. If an organizational user: look up tenant id and reference number of licenses

I don't expect Microsoft to provide/store any licensing data. The licensing data (terms and ids) will be kept in my own database.


Until SSO is out of Preview, I'm planning on using the Authenticator from office-js-helpers, to get the information of the user that has signed in to my add-in.

In the helper docs they list the following possible OAuth strategies:

var authenticator = new OfficeHelpers.Authenticator();

// register Microsoft (Azure AD 2.0 Converged auth) endpoint using
authenticator.endpoints.registerMicrosoftAuth('client id here');

// register Azure AD 1.0 endpoint using
authenticator.endpoints.registerAzureADAuth('client id here', 'tenant here');

// register Google endpoint using
authenticator.endpoints.registerGoogleAuth('client id here');

// register Facebook endpoint using
authenticator.endpoints.registerFacebookAuth('client id here');

// register any 3rd-Party OAuth Implicit Provider using
authenticator.endpoints.add('Name of provider', { /* Endpoint Configuration */ })

Graph API

I understand that once a user is authenticated I will receive an authentication token which I can use to query the Graph API for the user's information.


My question is which OAuth strategy will respond with a token to the Graph API that will return information for:

  1. Individual users with a Microsoft account
  2. Organizational users associated to a tenant id


Is there any difference between the

Microsoft (Azure AD 2.0 Converged auth) endpoint

and the

Azure AD 1.0 endpoint


  • Yes, there are quite a few differences. At a high-level, these are:

    v1 endpoint:

    • Only supports AAD accounts. It does not support MSA/ account types.
    • Uses "Resources" instead of "Scopes"
    • Requires pre-defining the permission scopes you want in the registration
    • Supported by nearly all Microsoft REST API's (not just Microsoft Graph)

    v2 endpoint:

    • Supports both AAD and MSA accounts
    • Uses "Scopes" instead of "Resources"
    • Permission scopes can be dynamically requested at runtime or predefined (note that for service/daemon apps using Client Credentials, you must predefine them).
    • Supported by a smaller set of APIs today (although to be fair, most APIs are heading to Graph over time).

    Note: This is a super-high-level-skip-a-lot-of-detail list but it covers most of the core differences.