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Entity Framework 4.0, adding SQL Server view which contains no primary key

I am using Entity Framework 4.0, C# 4.0, .Net 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2. I have created the following view in my SQL Server database:

create view viewGetMember 
    select distinct
        row_number() over (order by member.Membership_Number) ID,
        email.Communication_Point_Id id1,
        member.Membership_Number Number,
        dvt.Default_Name ParticipationStatus,
        person.Given_Name GivenName,
        person.Last_Name LastName,
        adrs.House_Number HouseNumber,
        adrs.Street Street,
        adrs.Post_Code PostCode,
        email.Email_Address EmailAddress
        Participation member
    inner join 
        Party_Participation pp on member.Participation_Id = pp.Participation_Id
    inner join 
        Party party on pp.Party_Id = party.Party_Id
    inner join 
        Individual person on party.Party_Id = person.Party_Id
    inner join 
        Domain_Value_t9n dvt on member.Participation_Status = dvt.Domain_Value_Id
    inner join 
        Communication_Point cpadrs on party.Party_Id = cpadrs.Party_Id 
    inner join 
        Communication_Point cpemail on party.Party_Id = cpemail.Party_Id
    inner join 
        [Address] adrs on cpadrs.Communication_Point_Id = adrs.Communication_Point_Id
    inner join 
        Email email on cpemail.Communication_Point_Id = email.Communication_Point_Id
        member.Membership_Number is not null 

select * from viewGetMember

In want to add this view in entity framework. However it has contain no primary in it. Though following two fields can form a composite primary key (second and third columns).

  • email.Communication_Point_Id id1
  • member.Membership_Number Number

I don't know how to add them as part of Entity Framework. Even I have tried adding row_number() (first column) as an additional column by thinking it will act as a kind of primary key but no use. Entity Framework designer is not adding this view in .edmx model file.

I have tried this by entirely removing the .edmx file and in new project only for Entity Framework but no luck. Could someone please provide me a solution to this problem.


  • I found a perfect answer from the Entity Framework and Sql Server view question. According to the answer given to that question the above SQL Query (view without primary key) has to be changed like following.

    create view viewGetMember as 
    select distinct
    isnull(member.Membership_Number,-1) Number,
    dvt.Default_Name ParticipationStatus,
    person.Given_Name GivenName,
    person.Last_Name LastName,
    adrs.House_Number HouseNumber,
    adrs.Street Street,
    adrs.Post_Code PostCode,
    email.Email_Address EmailAddress
    from Participation member
    inner join Party_Participation pp on member.Participation_Id = pp.Participation_Id
    inner join Party party on pp.Party_Id = party.Party_Id
    inner join Individual person on party.Party_Id = person.Party_Id
    inner join Domain_Value_t9n dvt on member.Participation_Status = dvt.Domain_Value_Id
    inner join Communication_Point cpadrs on party.Party_Id = cpadrs.Party_Id 
    and cpadrs.Communication_Point_Type in 
    (select dv.Domain_Value_Id from Domain_Value dv where dv.Short_Code = 'ADDRESS') 
    inner join Communication_Point cpemail on party.Party_Id = cpemail.Party_Id 
    and cpemail.Communication_Point_Type in 
    (select dv.Domain_Value_Id from Domain_Value dv where dv.Short_Code = 'EMAIL') 
    inner join Address adrs on cpadrs.Communication_Point_Id = adrs.Communication_Point_Id
    inner join Email email on cpemail.Communication_Point_Id = email.Communication_Point_Id and cpemail.Is_Preferred = 1
    member.Membership_Number is not null
    select * from viewGetMember

    The thrid line isnull(member.Membership_Number,-1) Number makes that column as primary key and we can get rid of row_number() over (order by member.Membership_Number) ID or whatever we don't want to be as part of primary key.

    This works well in my case.