I am using Camel 2.19.2 in a Spring Boot 1.5.8 application. If I want, for example, to have several of my routes to be "status aware", how might I achieve this? What I mean by "status aware" is that the route will start, notify a component that the workflow has begun, then it will conduct route-specific logic, and when that is complete, it will notify a component that the workflow has completed. I want this to happen automatically, if possible, and without having to call the specific logic in each of the route builders that I want to use this capability.
Here is a code example like what I mean:
public class FooRouteBuilder extends StatusAwareRouteBuilder {
public void configure() {
// Here I want to have this route know how to notify something
// that this processing has begun, but I do not want to have
// to explicitly call a processor to make it happen, but it
// should know what to do by virtue of extending a custom
// route builder, if appropriate, or by some other/better
// mechanism
// Now conduct any route-specific logic
// Now handle the status notification that this is finished...
// Here I want to have this route know how to notify something
// that this processing has finished
Conceptually, this is almost like AOP, so I would like to be able to define this behavior in one place and include it in some number of routes that need to use this behavior. Is there a way that I can accomplish this? I saw that there is adviceWith for testing, but I need this for regular operation. Thanks in advance.
I think that RoutePolicy and RoutePolicyFactory can be the answer, i.e. you can have a callback invoked when the route or exchnage start/stop.
For more info see http://camel.apache.org/routepolicy.html