I have a table content as below, where 'ItemName' is the name of the items, 'CurrentStock' is the current stock quantity of items and all other columns are the sum of stock-in and stock-out on that year. Now I want to replace all negative value with 0 and adjust those negative value with the positive value in FIFO order. Can any one guide me how do that in SQL Server.
Initially I tried like this
select ItemName,CurrentStock,
case when (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)<0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)
when (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)<0 and (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)>=0 THEN (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)
when (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)<0 and (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)>=0 THEN (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)
when (Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)<0 and (Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)>=0 THEN (Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)
when (Qnty2014+Qnty2013)<0 and (Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)>=0 THEN (Qnty2014+Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore)
when Qnty2013 <0 and Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore >=0 then Qnty2013+Qnty2012andBefore
else Qnty2012andBefore end as Qnty2012andBefore,
case when Qnty2013<0 then 0
when (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)<0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)
when (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)<0 and (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)>=0 THEN (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)
when (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)<0 and (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)>=0 THEN (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)
when (Qnty2015+Qnty2014)<0 and (Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)>=0 THEN (Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013)
when (Qnty2014)<0 and (Qnty2014+Qnty2013)>=0 THEN (Qnty2014+Qnty2013)
else Qnty2013 end as Qnty2013,
case when Qnty2014<0 then 0
when (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)<0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)
when (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)<0 and (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)>=0 THEN (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)
when (Qnty2016+Qnty2015)<0 and (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)>=0 THEN (Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014)
when (Qnty2015)<0 and (Qnty2015+Qnty2014)>=0 THEN (Qnty2015+Qnty2014)
else Qnty2014 end as Qnty2014,
case when Qnty2015<0 then 0
when (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016)<0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)
when (Qnty2017+Qnty2016)<0 and (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)>=0 THEN (Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015)
when (Qnty2016)<0 and (Qnty2016+Qnty2015)>=0 THEN (Qnty2016+Qnty2015)
else Qnty2015 end as Qnty2015,
case when Qnty2016<0 then 0
when (Qnty2018+Qnty2017)<0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016)
when (Qnty2017)<0 and (Qnty2017+Qnty2016)>=0 THEN ( Qnty2017+Qnty2016)
else Qnty2016 end as Qnty2016,
case when Qnty2017<0 then 0
when (Qnty2018)< 0 and (Qnty2018+Qnty2017)>=0 then (Qnty2018+Qnty2017)
else Qnty2017 end as Qnty2017,
case when Qnty2018<0 then 0 else Qnty2018 end as Qnty2018 FROM StockTable
but it gave wrong output like this
There could be two solutions for this.
Using #Temp table as shown below
SELECT ItemName,CurrentStock,
CASE when Qnty2018<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2018 END as Qnty2018,
CASE when Qnty2017<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2017 END as Qnty2017,
CASE when Qnty2016<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2016 END as Qnty2016,
CASE when Qnty2015<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2015 END as Qnty2015,
CASE when Qnty2014<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2014 END as Qnty2014,
CASE when Qnty2013<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2013 END as Qnty2013,
CASE when Qnty2012andBefore<0 THEN 0 ELSE Qnty2012andBefore END as Qnty2012andBefore INTO #Temp FROM StockTable
update #Temp set Qnty2018=CurrentStock WHERE Qnty2018<>0 AND Qnty2017=0 AND Qnty2016=0 AND Qnty2015=0 AND Qnty2014=0 AND Qnty2013=0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2017=CurrentStock-Qnty2018 WHERE Qnty2017<>0 AND Qnty2016=0 AND Qnty2015=0 AND Qnty2014=0 AND Qnty2013=0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2016=CurrentStock-Qnty2018+Qnty2017 WHERE Qnty2016<>0 AND Qnty2015=0 AND Qnty2014=0 AND Qnty2013=0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2015=CurrentStock-Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016 WHERE Qnty2015<>0 AND Qnty2014=0 AND Qnty2013=0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2014=CurrentStock-Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015 WHERE Qnty2014<>0 AND Qnty2013=0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2013=CurrentStock-Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014 WHERE Qnty2013<>0 AND Qnty2012andBefore=0
update #Temp set Qnty2012andBefore=CurrentStock-Qnty2018+Qnty2017+Qnty2016+Qnty2015+Qnty2014+Qnty2013 WHERE Qnty2012andBefore<>0
2.Using Cursor, You could iterate on row basis and write the logic. since this is not recommended in SQL, use it only if you don't have other option.