I am having really a very big query formation like below. i want to split this and need to re-use for many other ajax call's
$buildquery->whereHas('room', function($query) use ($request) {
// If amenities is there add it to query
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$query->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities, $count){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
/* filter based on guest */
$memberCount = $request->guestsCount + $request->childCount;
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', $memberCount);
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', 1);
$buildquery->with(['room' => function ($query) use ($request) {
// If amenities is there add it to query
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$query->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities, $count){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
/* filter based on guest */
$memberCount = $request->guestsCount + $request->childCount;
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', $memberCount);
$query->Where('capacity', '>=', 1);
$query->Where('astatus', 1)->Where('status', 0);
/* client must be active */
$buildquery->whereHas('client', function($query) {
$query->Where('status', 1);
/* search based on rating */
if ($request->filled('rating')) {
if($request->rating > 0){
$rating = $request->rating;
$buildquery->where('star', $rating);
/* search based on hotel */
if ($request->filled('location_id')) {
$buildquery->Where('city', $request->location_id);
$buildquery->Where('astatus', 1)->where('status', 0); //actually its hotel
$hotels = $buildquery->simplePaginate(20);
$hotels = $this->addRates($hotels, $request->checkin_date, $request->checkout_date);
$hotels = $this->addAvailableCount($hotels, $request->checkin_date, $request->checkout_date);
$hotels = $hotels->transform(function (Hotel $hotel){
$hotel->setRelation('room', $hotel->room->sortBy('price')->flatten());
return $hotel;
return view('roomlist.loadmore', compact('hotels'));
please see this line @include('roomlist.area');
in that roomlist/area.blade.php
file i am having the following code
if($request->type == "Area"){
//get the area first
$hotel = Hotel::select('area')->where('city', $request->location_id)->first();
if($hotel->area != null){
$buildquery->where('area', $hotel->area);
Is there any way that i can include this code from a blade or in any other manner.
Note: i need to re-use many things like this.
First thing you could do is break some of this functionality into scopes: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/eloquent#query-scopes
For instance, you could change this:
/* search based on hotel */
if ($request->filled('location_id')) {
$buildquery->Where('city', $request->location_id);
Into this:
if ($request->filled('location_id')) {
Or this:
/* client must be active */
$buildquery->whereHas('client', function($query) {
$query->Where('status', 1);
into this:
This is a small change but it allows you to use inCity
in other places without re-writing as much, and for the other scopes it might be more code you can extract.
You could also make a Transformer class to change this:
$hotels = $hotels->transform(function (Hotel $hotel){
$hotel->setRelation('room', $hotel->room->sortBy('price')->flatten());
return $hotel;
To this:
$hotels = (new HotelRoomTransformer())->transform($hotels);
This type of extracting code could make this file much more readable, and that way if you need to reuse parts of it you have them in separate, reusable files.
Lastly, this type of functionality can all be extracted into a repository if you want to entirely remove Eloquent from your controllers. Here is a short guide on the repository pattern: https://medium.com/@connorleech/use-the-repository-design-pattern-in-a-laravel-application-13f0b46a3dce