I am using the theme gravstrap for Grav CMS.
I want to make a single page website, like in this example :
I looked at the brief blog post explaining how to do it and also at the source code example on the project git repo.
I am having a hard time to undertand what to do exactly because what the blog-post says seems quite different than what I see in the example (especially how to link pages to menu items with the id thing).
I finally got it working :
Create a page with the template page_navbar_interne
, create sub-pages as modular
, each sub-page will be section.
By default sections will be ordered by the names of the folders. You can hardcode the order by adding this in the Frontmatter (expert mode) :
title: Single page website
published: true
slug: single-page-slug
items: '@self.modular'
by: default
dir: asc
- _header
- _mySection2
- _myOtherSection
To display the menu to navigate to the sections, you have to use navbar2
instead of navbar1
, in the header module.
[g-navbar id="navbar2" name=navbar2 fixed=top centering=none brand_text="…" render=false]
[g-navbar-menu name=menu0 alignment="center" onepage=true attributes="class:highdensity-menu"][/g-navbar-menu]
[g-navbar-menu name=menu1 icon_type="fontawesome" alignment="right" ]
[g-link url="…" icon_type="fontawesome" icon="…"][/g-link]