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PHP / MySQL script for sending e-mails - one mail too many

I made PHP script to send report from MySQL database to users e-mails. Every user must recieve only their own data (with their id). Script tabela.php make html table with user content.


//select data
$sql = "SELECT, oports.handlowiec, oports.data_rozp, oports.data_przed, oports.nazwa,, oports.nip, oports.inic, FROM oports, db_users WHERE = oports.user_id and = '{$sqlid}'";

//execute query
$wynik = $polaczenie->query($sql);

//make table schema
echo "<p style=\"font-size:14px;\">There is your report:<br></p>";
echo "<p>";
echo "<table boder=\"1\"><tr>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f4df8b\"><strong>ID</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f9d74d\"><strong>name</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f4df8b\"><strong>Date started</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f9d74d\"><strong>Date deadline</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f4df8b\"><strong>Company name</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f9d74d\"><strong>City</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f4df8b\"><strong>NIP</strong></td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f9d74d\"><strong>Initials</strong></td>";
echo "</tr>";

//loop for show data in table
 while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row($wynik) ) {
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f7e8ab\">" . $row[0] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#fbe383\">" . $row[1] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f7e8ab\">" . $row[2] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#fbe383\">" . $row[3] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f7e8ab\">" . $row[4] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#fbe383\">" . $row[5] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#f7e8ab\">" . $row[6] . "</td>";
    echo "<td bgcolor=\"#fbe383\">" . $row[7] . "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
 echo "</table>";
 echo "<br>";
 echo "<p style=\"font-size:10px;\">Jest to e-mail wygenerowany z systemu CRM. Prosimy na niego nie odpowiadać</p>";


Script sender.php send data to user:


include 'connect.php';

//connect with database
$polaczenie = @new mysqli($host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name);

//set charset to show polish letters

//check connection
if ($polaczenie->connect_errno!=0)
        echo "Error: ".$polaczenie->connect_errno." Opis: ". $polaczenie->connect_error;
        //define id variable
        $sqlid = 1;

        //select emails for user with id = sqlid
        $zap = "SELECT email from db_users where id = '{$sqlid}'";    

        //make query (for while loop)
        $zapt = $polaczenie->query($zap);

            //while there are some data, make instructions in loop
            while (($zapt -> fetch_assoc()) !== null)
                    //there are results
                    //execute query again (without this loop do not work properly)
                    $zap = "SELECT email from db_users where id = '{$sqlid}'";
                    //show email and save to variable rowxx
                    $zapx = mysqli_query($polaczenie,$zap);
                    while ($rowx = mysqli_fetch_assoc($zapx)) {
                        print_r ($rowx);
                        $rowxx = $rowx["email"];
                    //include content of tabela.php
                    include "tabela.php";
                    $content = ob_get_clean();

                    //define mail headers, subject and message
                    $od  = "From: \r\n";
                    $od .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n";
                    $od .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'."\r\n"; 
                    $to = $rowxx;
                    $subject = "Raport szans";
                    $message = $content;

                    if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $od)) 
                        echo "Mail sent!";
                        echo "Error with sending!";

                    $zapt = $polaczenie->query($zap);


                echo 'No results';



Script works fine, but send one mail too many for user with last id. If there are 4 users, last receive two mails instead one - first with correct data and second with no data (empty table). The output of sender.php script is:

Array ( [email] => ) Mail sent!Array ( [email] => ) Mail sent!Array ( [email] => ) Mail sent!Array ( [email] => ) Mail sent!Mail sent!No results

So I see that in last "Mail sent" there is no e-mail address, but I receive it on Why?


  • So I made changes in my code (simplified while, delete nested whiles and change order of queries in while loop which was reason for sending one mail too many) and now it works perfectly, but I still don't know how is SQL injection possible, because there is no POST or GET.

    include 'connect.php';
    //connect with database
    $polaczenie = @new mysqli($host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name);
    //set charset to show polish letters
    //check connection
    if ($polaczenie->connect_errno!=0)
            echo "Error: ".$polaczenie->connect_errno." Opis: ". $polaczenie->connect_error;
            //define id variable
            $sqlid = 1;
            //select emails for user with id = sqlid
            $zap = "SELECT email from db_users where id = '{$sqlid}'";    
            //make query (for while loop)
            $zapt = $polaczenie->query($zap);
                //while there are some data, make instructions in loop
                while ($rowx = $zapt -> fetch_assoc())
                        //show e-mail recipient (for debug only)
                        print_r ($rowx);
                        $rowxx = $rowx["email"];
                        //include content of tabela.php
                        include "tabela.php";
                        $content = ob_get_clean();
                        //define mail headers, subject and message
                        $od  = "From: \r\n";
                        $od .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n";
                        $od .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'."\r\n"; 
                        $to = $rowxx;
                        $subject = "Raport szans";
                        $message = $content;
                        if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $od)) 
                            echo "Mail sent!";
                            echo "Error with sending!";
                        //increment sqlid
                        //execute query again
                        $zap = "SELECT email from db_users where id = '{$sqlid}'";
                        $zapt = $polaczenie->query($zap);
                    echo 'No results';