I am probably over complicating this, but I'm trying to do a query that returns records where one or more id's in a list (ridlist) are present in a column that is also a list of id's (rids).
There is probably a much simpler way to do this but I'm new to it and can't get my head around it.
Pseudoish query:
select boid, rids, address, city, state, zip
from branchoffices
where rids contains one or more of the ids in ridlist
I have branch offices that are responsible for different regions and I need to be able to list out all the branch offices that handle activities in a user selected list of regions.
For example:
branchoffice1's rid field in the db contains 1,13,22
branchoffice2's rid field contains 2,3,4
If the user selects regions 1 and 2, creating a list 2,3. I'd want the query to return only branchoffice2's boid. So i don't think using like % would work.
- rid(ident), regionname, some other columnsbranchoffices
- boid(ident), rids, city, state, zip, some other columnsExample data:
Regions table (rid, regionname):
"1", "Dallas/Fort Worth"
"2", "Greater Houston"
"3", "Austin"
"4", "San Antonio"
"5", "San Marcos"
Branchoffices table (boid, rids, city, state, phone):
"1", "2,3", "Houston", "TX", "1231231234"
"2", "1", "Fort Worth", "TX", "4561231234"
"3", "4,5", "San Antonio", "TX", "7891231234"
So in the above example data, boid 1 (Houston office) is responsible for the Greater Houston and Austin regions.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Thank you very much for any help and I apologize if I missed this being covered already.
You should have a separate table with one row per branch and per rid. Why is storing ids in a string wrong? Here are some reasons:
is an integer. It should be stored as an integer, not a string.Sometimes, you are stuck with other people's really, really, realy bad designs. SQL Server has a function that can help you, split_string()
. You can use it with a lateral join:
select bo.*
from branchoffices bo cross apply
(select ss.rid
from split_string(bo.rids) ss(rid)
where ss.rid in (1, 2, 3)
) ss;
Note that you can also use split_string()
on the use input:
with rids as (
select rid
from split_string('1,2,3') ss(rid)
select bo.*
from branchoffices bo cross apply
(select ss.rid
from split_string(bo.rids) ss(rid) join
on ss.rid = rids.rid
) ss;