Assuming I only have this interface for the LRU Cache:
LRU(int size):
get(char key): int
put(char key, int value): void
how would I solve the "longest substring with k unique characters" problem?
I'm stuck on how would I would know which character to pass to the get
method, so that I can update my current longest substring, as well as to reconstruct the susbtring.
For example: k=3, the string is dbaaccaaadbaa and the answer is bolded. Once the last bolded "a" is looked at, the cache should look like:
A: 8 C: 5, B: 1, D:0
You pass every character or your string to put
when you see it. Then you track the string as it goes until you get the first (k+1)-th character in that string and you have to decide which part of the string is to throw away to leave only k characters. There is when you call get
to know which character is the closest to beginning (i.e. throwing which character would give you the longest string of k + 1 unique characters that you can track further)
const str = 'dbaaccaaadbaa'
const k = 3
const cache = {}
const lruPut = (char, index) => cache[char] = index
const lruGet = (char) => cache[char]
var longest = ''
var current = ''
var currentChars = {}
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (longest.length < current.length) {
longest = current
currentChars[str[i]] = true;
current += str[i];
lruPut(str[i], i)
if (Object.keys(currentChars).length > k ) {
// we have to interrupt the sequence and start a new one
// new sequence is started from the furtherst character
var positions = Object.keys(currentChars).map(char => lruGet(char))
var position = Math.min.apply(null, positions)
// cutting the current sequence to remove first (k + 1)-th character
var current = str.slice(position + 1, i + 1)
delete currentChars [str[position]]