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Heap sort it not working or incorrect calculation

The max-heap function is working fine but heapsort is not working.

When I run this code. it shows incorrect calculation.

Your input is:
9 79 42 86 33 75

Your max-heap is:
86 79 42 75 33 9

Ascending numerical order:
86 79 42 75 33 9

As you can see my last output, the Ascending numerical order is the same value as max-heap but this is not what I am expecting.

My task is that I have to sort a number from the max-heap. Also, I have to swap first and last element from the max-heap array and then ignore the last element. Also, once the last element is ignored I have to do max-heap function again.

An example of how the calculation works. max-heap is: 86, 79, 42, 75, 33, 9. In the sorting section, I have to swap first and last element and then ignore the last element, so the heap sort result should be: 9, 79, 42, 75, 33, [86] (square bracket mean ignored or removed). I have to do max-heap again from the previous sorting. The second max-heap result would be 79, 75, 9, 42, 33. when I come back to the sorting I have to swap the first and last element and then ignore the last element again so the max-heap is 79, 75, 9, 42, 33 and the heap sort result should be: 33, 75, 9, 42, [79], [86]. I have to do the same step all over again until all the number sorted.

An example of output that I want to display on:

My input is 9, 79, 42, 86, 33, 75

Max- heap should be: 86, 79, 42, 75, 33, 9.

Ascending number should be: 9, 33, 42, 75, 79, 86.

For more example, Please visit the website, See example 2 - Sorting

And Here the code of incorrect calculation:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int heap[30];

void main()
int n, index, parent, flag, dummy;
n = 7; //size of table

// user input number
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) 
    cout << "Enter value " << index << ": ";
    cin >> heap[index];

// output for user element
cout << "\nYour input is:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) 
    cout << heap[index] << " ";

flag = 1;

while (flag == 1)
    flag = 0;

    for (index = 7; index >1; index--)
        parent = index / 2;
        if (heap[parent] < heap[index])
            dummy = heap[parent];
            heap[parent] = heap[index];
            heap[index] = dummy;
            flag = 1;

        // Sorting --> swap first and last of the array and then ignore the 
        //last array and reheap from above until all number sorted.

        while (heap[0] >= 1)
            int last = heap[0];
            int temp1 = heap[1];
            heap[1] = heap[last - 1];
            heap[last - 1] = temp1;

cout << "\n\nYour max-heap is:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) // output for after heap
    cout << heap[index] << " ";

cout << "\n\nAscending numerical order:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) //output for sorting.
    cout << heap[index] << " ";


Also the code that I can not change or replace which are

    while (flag == 1)
    flag = 0;

    for (index = 6; index >1; index--)
        parent = index / 2;
        if (heap[parent] < heap[index])
            dummy = heap[parent];
            heap[parent] = heap[index];
            heap[index] = dummy;
            flag = 1;



  • You have many bugs in your code.

    First one i have noticed is in your while loop

    while (heap[0] >= 1) //heap[0] = 0 since you declared your array statically
            int last = heap[0]; // last = 0
            int temp1 = heap[1];
            heap[1] = heap[last - 1]; //trying to find element heap[-1] ERROR
            heap[last - 1] = temp1; //heap[-1] = heap[1]
            heap[0]--; //heap[0] = -1 why?

    Second one is that you are starting from index 1 and go to index 6 in your input loop (first for loop in code), but when you are trying to make some difference in your heap in third for loop you are starting from index 7 and you go to index 2.

    I couldn't find a way in your code so i will post mine. It is following the algorithm in that wiki page you posted.

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    void build_heap(int *heap, int index)
           int new_input = heap[index], tmp = 0;
        //since your index starts from 1 and goes up to n in heap
        //parent from index k is (k%2==1) ? (k-1)/2 : k/2
        if(index % 2 == 1)
        if(heap[index/2] < new_input)
            tmp = heap[index/2];
            heap[index/2] = new_input;
            heap[index] = tmp;
            build_heap(heap, index/2);
    void make_order_in_heap(int *heap, int n)
        int index = 1;
        int child_index;
        bool work = true;
        while(work && index < n)
            //finding child_index
            if( index * 2 + 1 <= n)
                child_index = heap[index*2] > heap[index*2+1] ? index*2 : index*2+1;
            else if(index * 2 <= n)
                child_index = index*2;
                //this index has no  children
            work = false;
            if(heap[child_index] > heap[index])
                int tmp = heap[index];
                heap[index] = heap[child_index];
                heap[child_index] = tmp;
                index = child_index;
                work = true;
    void swap_first_and_last(int *heap, int n)
        int tmp = heap[1];
        heap[1] = heap[n];
        heap[n] = tmp;
    void sort_heap(int *heap, int n)
        swap_first_and_last(heap, n);
        //we swaped first and last element in heap with n elements
        //so now first element in heap of n-1 elements is not on his      possiton
        make_order_in_heap(heap, n-1);
        sort_heap(heap, n-1);
    int main()
    int heap[30];
    int n, index, parent, flag, dummy;
    n = 7; 
    for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
        cout << "Enter value " << index << ": ";
        cin >> heap[index];
        build_heap(heap, index);
    cout << "\nYour input is:\n";
    for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
        cout << heap[index] << " ";
    sort_heap(heap, n);
    cout << "\n Sorted array is:\n";
    for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
        cout << heap[index] << " ";
    return 0;