How can I send multiple variables through a segue in Swift? The QBBust gets sent over fine and prints on the view controller, but the QBName doesn't get sent over for some reason. Can anyone spot why?
if let send = sender as? Double{
destination.QBBust = send
if let sent = sender as? String{
destination.QBName = sent
private var _QBName:String!
var QBName: String{
return _QBName
} set {
_QBName = newValue
private var _QBBust:Double!
var QBBust: Double {
get {
return _QBBust
} set{
_QBBust = newValue
override func viewDidLoad() {
let bust = String(Int(_QBBust))
QBBustLabel.text = "\(bust)%"
QBNameLabel.text = _QBName
This next part is in the button function that triggers the segue
performSegue(withIdentifier: "QBResultVC", sender: QBBust)
performSegue(withIdentifier: "QBResultVC", sender: QBName)
As in Tiago's answer, you can create a new struct or class which has QBName and QBBust properties. In addition, you can also use tuple in Swift.
This is an example:
in Destination ViewController
declare var QBInfo:(name: String, bust: Double)?
and in the button function that triggers the segue
let QBInfo = (name: QBName, bust: QBBust)
performSegue(withIdentifier: "QBResultVC", sender: QBBust)
then in prepareForSegue:sender:
destination.QBInfo = QBInfo