I have a table as follows. What I would like to avoid is having two product id's in the table. How can I merge the two common fields using a query and increment the quantity?
cartid | prodid | quanity |
1 | 9226582 | 3 |
2 | 9226582 | 5 |
3 | 7392588 | 1 |
The desired results is that the table should be altered as follows:
cartid | prodid | quanity |
1 | 9226582 | 8 |
3 | 7392588 | 1 |
I have searched for answers but all seem too complex. Is there a way to do this in a simple way?
If you want to update the table in the database, you can do this:
create table newtable
(`cartid` int, `prodid` int unique key, `quantity` int);
insert into newtable
select * from yourtable order by cartid
on duplicate key update quantity=newtable.quantity+values(quantity)
select * from newtable
cartid prodid quantity
1 9226582 8
3 7392588 1
If you're happy with the result you can then
drop table yourtable
alter table newtable rename to yourtable