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Looper threads issue? But not using Animator

I am running a loop to SynthesizeToFile (in this example I will run the loop 10 times)

for(int i = 0; i< 10; i++)
    textToSpeech.SynthesizeToFile("SOME TEXT", null, new Java.IO.File(System.IO.Path.Combine(documentsPath, i.ToString() + "_audio.wav")), i.ToString());

TTS Initialising

void TextToSpeech.IOnInitListener.OnInit(OperationResult status)
                Voice voiceobj = new Voice("en-us-x-sfg#female_2-local", Java.Util.Locale.English, VoiceQuality.VeryHigh, VoiceLatency.VeryHigh, false, null);

                if (status == OperationResult.Error)

                if (status == OperationResult.Success)
                    textToSpeech.SetOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceProgressListener1(this));
                    Log.Info("101029", "Initialised successfully");
            catch (Exception X)
                Log.Info("101028", "TTF Error? " + X.Message);


I am setting up SetOnUtteranceProgressListener to SetOnUtteranceProgressListener1 which is the following

public class UtteranceProgressListener1 : UtteranceProgressListener
            ReadArticle _parent;
            int total = 0;

            public UtteranceProgressListener1(ReadArticle p_parent)
                _parent = p_parent;

            public override void OnStart(String utteranceId)


            public override void OnError(String utteranceId)
                Log.Info("101029", "OnError called");

            public override void OnDone(String utteranceId)
                Log.Info("101029", "OnDone: " + total.ToString());

Every time when it is OnDone I call a function which basically just checks if it a 10th count, means this is the last file to process and make some controls visible such as following

    public bool AudioConvertionResults(int CompInt)
                Log.Info("101029", "ComInt: " + CompInt.ToString() );

                if (CompInt >= 10)
                        Log.Info("101029", "Triggered at " + CompInt.ToString());
                FloatingActionButton FAB = FindViewById<FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.fab);
                    FAB.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
                    catch(Exception X)
                        Log.Info("101029", "Error Triggering? "+X.Message);
                    return fasle;
                retuen true;

                    Log.Info("101029", "DID NOT Trigger at " + 
                return fasle;


The error I get is the following

Animators may only be run on Looper threads

when it hits the FloatingActionButton FAB = FindViewById<FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.fab);

I also tried to make this a global variable but still no luck.

I think I am messing up something bad, any idea what should I do?


  • Place your UI changes within a RunOnUithread Action:


    RunOnUiThread(() => 
        FloatingActionButton FAB = FindViewById<FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.fab);
        FAB.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;