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python: zipfile.ZipFile No such file or directory

There is folder path:


There are many zipfiles I want to create programmatically, but am starting with test. I will name this test zip file "" and will attempt to create in above location:

import zipfile as zp

with zp.ZipFile("P:\\2018\\Archive\\",'w') as myzip:

But I get error!


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\lib\", line 752, in __init__
    self.fp = open(file, modeDict[mode])
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'P:\\2018\\Archive\\'

Is this not method for creating new zipfile? I know file does not exist. Is why I am using 'w' mode, no?

This is documentation:

It says:

'w' to truncate and write a new file

Example on documentation page:

with ZipFile('', 'w') as myzip:

code worked two days ago to create new zip file but did not add folder. Today nothing works! Why not? All paths valid. How do I create new zip file with python and add folders to it?


  • The only way this could be reproduced was to create a zipfile in a directory that does NOT exist yet. The only way to be sure (you cannot trust a file manager; only way to verify is to check from within the program itself) is to assign the desired path of the new zip file to a variable (e.g. path), and then call isdir(dirname(path)). For example:

    from os.path import isdir
    from os.path import dirname
    target = "P:\\2018\\Archive\\"
    if not isdir(dirname(target)):
        print('cannot create zipfile because target does not exists')
        # create the zipfile