I am looking through the code and i cant find solution for the problem of invalid renderer. I am beginner with SDL2 and i have to write code in pure C. I think that in my code there is more errors but because of this one i cant go further. Code is half in polish language so if u cant get what is where i can rewrite this a bit . Problem occure when in main i try to load function"Odczyt_z_Pliku". Probably somewhere there is a problem. SDL_GetError() says" invalid renderer.
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
typedef enum bool{
typedef struct sTekstura {
int wysokosc;
int szerokosc;
SDL_Texture *Tekstura;
void IniTekstury(sTekstura T)
T.wysokosc = 0;
T.szerokosc = 0;
T.Tekstura = NULL;
void free(sTekstura T)
//Free texture if it exists
if (T.Tekstura != NULL)
T.Tekstura = NULL;
T.szerokosc = 0;
T.wysokosc = 0;
int Odczyt_z_Pliku(char nazwa[50],sTekstura T,SDL_Renderer* Renderer)
SDL_Texture* nTekstura = NULL;
//Load image at specified path
SDL_Surface* Powierzchnia = IMG_Load(nazwa);
if (Powierzchnia == NULL)
printf("Unable to load image %s! SDL_image Error: %s\n", nazwa, IMG_GetError());
SDL_SetColorKey(Powierzchnia, SDL_TRUE, SDL_MapRGB(Powierzchnia->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
//Create texture from surface pixels
nTekstura = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(Renderer, Powierzchnia);
if (nTekstura == NULL)
printf("Unable to create texture from %s! SDL Error: %s\n", nazwa, SDL_GetError());
//Get image dimensions
T.szerokosc = Powierzchnia->w;
T.wysokosc = Powierzchnia->h;
//Get rid of old loaded surface
//Return success
T.Tekstura = nTekstura;
if (T.Tekstura != NULL)
return 1;
return 0;
bool Inicjalizacja(SDL_Window *Okno,SDL_Renderer *Renderer)
//Initialization flag
bool success = true;
//Initialize SDL
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
printf("SDL could not initialize! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
success = false;
//Set texture filtering to linear
printf("Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!");
//Create window
if (Okno == NULL)
printf("Window could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
success = false;
//Create renderer for window
if (Renderer == NULL)
printf("Renderer could not be created! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
success = false;
//Initialize renderer color
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Renderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
//Initialize PNG loading
int imgFlags = IMG_INIT_PNG;
if (!(IMG_Init(imgFlags) & imgFlags))
printf("SDL_image could not initialize! SDL_image Error: %s\n", IMG_GetError());
success = false;
return success;
void setBlendMode(sTekstura T, SDL_BlendMode blending) //MK: Funkcja ustawiająca przezroczystosc
//Set blending function
SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(T.Tekstura, blending);
void setAlpha(sTekstura T,Uint8 alpha) //MK: Funkcja ustawiająca przezroczystość
//Modulate texture alpha
SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(T.Tekstura, alpha);
void render(int x, int y,sTekstura T,SDL_Renderer *Renderer)
//Set rendering space and render to screen
SDL_Rect renderQuad = { x, y, T.szerokosc, T.wysokosc };
SDL_RenderCopy(Renderer, T.Tekstura, NULL, &renderQuad);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SDL_Window * Okno = NULL;
SDL_Renderer* Renderer = NULL;
sTekstura TloMenu;
TloMenu.szerokosc = 0;
TloMenu.wysokosc = 0;
TloMenu.Tekstura = NULL;
sTekstura TloGra;
TloGra.szerokosc = 0;
TloGra.wysokosc = 0;
TloGra.Tekstura = NULL;
sTekstura Pudlo;
Pudlo.szerokosc = 0;
Pudlo.wysokosc = 0;
Pudlo.Tekstura = NULL;
sTekstura Sciana;
Sciana.szerokosc = 0;
Sciana.wysokosc = 0;
Sciana.Tekstura = NULL;
sTekstura StartGry;
StartGry.szerokosc = 0;
StartGry.wysokosc = 0;
StartGry.Tekstura = NULL;
sTekstura KoniecGry;
KoniecGry.szerokosc = 0;
KoniecGry.wysokosc = 0;
KoniecGry.Tekstura = NULL;
SDL_Event e;
//Start up SDL and create window
if (!Inicjalizacja(Okno,Renderer))
printf("Failed to initialize!\n");
if(!Odczyt_z_Pliku("MENU BOMBERMAN.png", Sciana, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano kostki");
return 0;
if (!Odczyt_z_Pliku("pudlo3.bmp", Pudlo, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano pudla");
return 0;
if (!Odczyt_z_Pliku("MenuBomberman.bmp", TloMenu, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano menu");
return 0;
if (!Odczyt_z_Pliku("Mapa.bmp", TloGra, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano mapy");
return 0;
if (!Odczyt_z_Pliku("NEW GAME.bmp", StartGry, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano napisu nowej gry");
return 0;
//Set standard alpha blending
setBlendMode(StartGry, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
if (!Odczyt_z_Pliku("exitgimp.bmp", KoniecGry, Renderer))
puts("Nie wczytano napisu koniec gry");
return 0;
//Set standard alpha blending
setBlendMode(StartGry, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
//Main loop flag
bool quit = false;
//Modulation component
Uint8 AlphaStartu = 255;
Uint8 AlphaKonca = 127;
//While application is running
while (!quit)
//Handle events on queue
while (SDL_PollEvent(&e) != 0)
//User requests quit
if (e.type == SDL_QUIT)
quit = true;
//Handle key presses
else if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
//Increase alpha on w
if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_w)
AlphaKonca = 127;
AlphaStartu = 255;
//Decrease alpha on s
else if (e.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_s)
AlphaKonca = 256;
AlphaStartu = 127;
//Clear screen
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(Renderer, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
//Render background
render(0, 0, TloMenu, Renderer);
//Render front blended
setAlpha(StartGry, AlphaStartu);
render(0, 0,StartGry,Renderer);
render(0, 0,KoniecGry,Renderer);
//Update screen
//Free resources and close SDL
return 0;
When you get to Odczyt_z_Pliku
, Renderer
is still a NULL
As it stands, in your main()
function you have a variable Renderer
of type SDL_Renderer*
(initialized to NULL
). You then pass that value NULL
into SDL_Renderer* which also takes an argument of type SDL_Renderer*
However, in C this is just a pass by copy of the value of the pointer itself (not the value pointed to by the pointer). In other words, the argument Renderer
to your function just creates a local variable in that function. So in Odczyt_z_Pliku
when you do Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(...);
that may return a new pointer but it's only assigning it to the local variable Renderer
, but this has no effect on the Renderer
variable in your main()
In C, the way to write a function that sets the value of a pointer that is a local variable in the calling function is to use a double pointer. That is, change the signature of Inicjalizacja
bool Inicjalizacja(SDL_Window **Okno, SDL_Renderer **Renderer)
then in main()
(or wherever else) call it like:
SDL_Window * Okno = NULL;
SDL_Renderer* Renderer = NULL;
if (!Inicjalizacja(&Okno, &Renderer)) {
and so on. (Note: You made the same mistake with the SDL_Window
Okno as well, and possibly elsewhere--I haven't read the full code).
The syntax &Okno
means pass the address of (i.e. a pointer to) the variable Okno
. Since Okno
is itself a pointer, the address of the pointer is a double pointer.
Then in Inicjalizacja
*Renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(...);
and similarly with Okno
. The *Renderer
syntax (which I find somewhat confusing) means the value pointed to by a pointer. Since Renderer
here is a double pointer, this means assign the single pointer (of type Renderer*
) into the pointer pointed to by Renderer
. Now the Renderer*
pointer in your main()
function will be properly initialized.
Note, similarly you should change the following check to:
if (*Renderer == NULL) {...}
and so on. We know Renderer != NULL
since it's a pointer to a local variable allocated in our main()
function. The interesting question is what value SDL_CreateRenderer
returned, so we want to look at *Renderer