New intellij install, new sourcetree installation, new android project, .gitignore
has been initialized as:
The files in the gradle wrapper, that's gradle/wrapper/
and gradle/wrapper/gradle.jar
are ignored. And they should be added.
$git add gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
It does not tell me which .gitignore
There is no .gitignore
in gradle/
or gradle/wrapper
While I can force this, I don't want to forget in future projects.
It sounds like a global ignore file is what’s gumming up the works here. You can use git check-ignore --verbose gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
to see exactly what pattern from which file is determining git’s ignore behavior. (Docs on git check-ignore
I think the best real solution here to make sure that this particular file is not ignored, irregardless of global ignore files or broad rules for ignoring .jar
To that end, you can add !/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
to the end of your repo’s .gitignore
file. (See the finer points of .gitignore
file pattern matching & exclusion at bottom of the docs on .gitignore