I am trying to replace text inside a text file according to a certain criteria.
For example, if I have three text files, with outer.txt containing:
Blah Blah Blah
INCLUDE inner1.txt
Etcetera Etcetera
INCLUDE inner2.txt
end of file
And inner1.txt containing:
contents of inner1
And inner2.txt containing:
contents of inner2
At the end of the replacement, the outer.txt file would look like:
Blah Blah Blah
contents of inner1
Etcetera Etcetera
contents of inner2
end of file
The overall pattern would be that for every instance of the word "INCLUDE", replace that entire line with the contents of the file whose filename immediately follows that instance of "INCLUDE", which in one case would be inner1.txt and in the second case would be inner2.txt.
Put more simply, is it possible for gawk to be able to determine which text file is to be embedded into the outer text file based on the very contents to be replaced in the outer text file?
With GNU awk:
awk --load readfile '{if ($1=="INCLUDE") {printf readfile($2)} else print}' outer.txt